Note: Organized by company name, this business reference encyclopedia covers 500 major marketing and advertising campaigns – current and historical. Includes overview, historical context, target market, competition, market strategy, and further reading.
Browse all of the Pardee Marketing Reference Books for statistics on spending habits and trends, demographics, international statistics, media directories and more.
Enter keyword(s) in the Pardee Library Homepage Search box. This will yield a mix of books and articles on your topic. To retrieve books, click on “All books”, “Ebooks”, or “Print books”, under “Filter My Results” on the right hand sidebar.
sample keywords include:
brand management
consumers and marketing
global marketing
internet marketing
marketing plan
marketing research
See results of a sample article search here.
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For help, click on the Vivvix (formerly Ad$pender) tutorial.
Mintel reports provide information on markets for consumer products, travel, lifestyles, and leisure. Our subscription predominately covers products and markets in the United States. Each report combines data & analysis of the competitive landscape and consumer profiles. For instructions see the Mintel Tutorial.
Check out the graphing tutorial here.
Contains detailed consumer product and media data collected from a national sample of U.S. consumers. Data includes: demographics, product usage and media exposure. See MRI-Simmons Catalyst for instructions.
Please see Pardee Library’s MRI-Simmons Catalyst (formerly MRI-Simmons Insights) tutorial here.
Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) provides media advertising rates, contact information, circulation information, etc. for magazine, newspaper, television, direct marketing, radio, online, and out-of-home domestic and international markets. Claritas SMS provides demographic and consumer market segmentation data by geographic place (DMA, county, or state). Users can access pre-defined report templates to generate Pop-Facts Demographics Reports and Segmentation Reports.
Directory of advertising agencies, key clients and brands, includes media expenditures and sample ads.
Please remember to log-out after every use. There is a Sign Out link on the upper right-hand corner of the database.
Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) provides media advertising rates, contact information, circulation information, etc. for magazine, newspaper, television, direct marketing, radio, online, and out-of-home domestic and international markets. Claritas SMS provides demographic and consumer market segmentation data by geographic place (DMA, county, or state). Users can access pre-defined report templates to generate Pop-Facts Demographics Reports and Segmentation Reports.
Network Spot Costs
TV network spot costs are published yearly in the late October edition of Advertising Age, which can be found in Current Periodicals at the Pardee Library. See data in this October 31, 2023 article which can be found online here.
For help, click on the Vivvix (formerly Ad$pender) tutorial.
NetAdvantage (S&P Global) provides web based access to S&P Industry Surveys, S&P Company Profiles, Stock Reports and Sub-Industry Reviews. Each S&P Industry Survey includes current trends, how the industry operates, downloadable company data and links to industry trade associations.
Contains detailed consumer product and media data collected from a national sample of U.S. consumers. Data includes: demographics, product usage and media exposure. See MRI-Simmons Catalyst for instructions.
Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) provides media advertising rates, contact information, circulation information, etc. for magazine, newspaper, television, direct marketing, radio, online, and out-of-home domestic and international markets. Claritas SMS provides demographic and consumer market segmentation data by geographic place (DMA, county, or state). Users can access pre-defined report templates to generate Pop-Facts Demographics Reports and Segmentation Reports.
For more free studies and reports on radio, see (lower right).