Contains detailed consumer product and media data collected from a national sample of U.S. consumers. Data includes: demographics, product usage and media exposure. See MRI-Simmons Catalyst for instructions.
Data includes: demographics, lifestyle, product usage and media exposure.
Examples of how you can use Simmons data and reports include:
Logging in to Simmons Catalyst
Click on "Proceed" to access the MRI Simmons Insights database.
New and Old Interfaces
MRI Simmons has updated their user interface. When you load the homepage, look in the top right corner to see which version of MRI you are using.
If you see Launch 1.0, that means you are currently viewing the new ("2.0") interface, and should follow our newer 2.0 tutorials. To view the old version of MRI, click the Launch 1.0 button.
If you see Launch 2.0, that means you are currently viewing the old ("1.0") interface, and should follow our original 1.0 tutorials. To view the new version of MRI, click the Launch 2.0 button.
Note: Please LOG OUT when you are done using the database, and if you are unable to gain access, please try again later.
The LOG OUT button is located in the upper right hand corner.