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Boston & Its Neighborhoods

Boston and its Neighborhoods

Boston Business Journal (click image to open)

Current full text issues available from publisher's site. Off-campus access available through VPN only.

Public & Private Sources - Selected

BPDA Research & Maps Building a great city requires a deep understanding of current assets, trends, and issues. The  Research department and Office of Digital Cartography and GIS create reports, maps, datasets, and other resources for public and BPDA use.

Downtown Boston Business Improvement District creates a clean, safe, and vibrant environment for everyone who spends time in the area. Our mission is to transform downtown through programs and supplemental services targeting area needs.

The Seaport (formerly Boston) Innovation District, also called South Boston Waterfront, 1,000 acres on the South Boston Waterfront, was  launched in 2010 by Mayor Thomas M. Menino to attract a cluster of innovative companies, to build live/work housing for their employees, and to support a social infrastructure that builds connections between people, businesses, sectors, and cities.

Boston Indicators aims to democratize access to information, foster informed public discourse, track progress on shared civic goals, and report on change in 10 sectors: Civic Vitality, Cultural Life and the Arts, the Economy, Education, the Environment, Health, Housing, Public Safety, Technology, and Transportation.

Greater Boston Housing Report Card 2019"  updated information on the ...economy; an analysis of changes in population demographics; data on housing production, housing foreclosures and the trajectory of home prices and rents; a review of new public housing policy; an accounting of public sector funding both for encouraging the development and retention of housing and for combating homelessness... and proposes the development of...21st Century Villages..."

Sustainable Business Network of Massachusetts' mission is to build a Massachusetts economy that is local, green and fair.
