Official statistics, city reports, research publications, data sets, community surveys, land use, demographics, census data, economic indicators, employment data, diversity, and more.
Interuniversity research partnership supported by the City of Boston that leverages area universities. Pursues original urban research on the cutting edge of scholarship and public policy, with an emphasis on opportunities created by novel digital data. Includes the Boston Data Portal, which makes publicly available the data products from BARI projects.
BERDO - Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance
Harvard Dataverse Repository - kw="Boston, MA""The Harvard Dataverse Repository is a free data repository open to all researchers from any discipline, both inside and outside of the Harvard community, where you can share, archive, cite, access, and explore research data. Each individual Dataverse collection is a customizable collection of datasets (or a virtual repository) for organizing, managing, and showcasing datasets."
The datasets retrieved here have been contributed by the Boston Area Research Initiative's (BARI) Boston Data Portal; Boston College Dataverse; Boston University Department of Earth and Environment Dataverse; Boston Regional Atmospheric Measurement Network Dataverse(Harvard University); and others.
NB: kw="boston" may include entries based solely on a Boston affiliation.