Norman B. Leventhal Map Center, Boston Public LibraryThe Boston Public Library is home to the Norman B. Leventhal Map Center which houses a unique collections of maps including; American Revolutionary War area maps, European Age of Discoveries maps, Colonial New England and Colonial Boston maps, Nautical charts from the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, maps and atlases from the 16th to 18th century, 19th century county and town land ownership maps, various editions of some of the earliest printed maps, and MORE!
Maps of Boston (Leventhal Center)Maps of Boston and its neighborhood on Flickr from the Norman B. Leventhal Center, Boston Public Library
1914 (see Boston Atlases 1873-1938 by neighborhood)
Modern Maps
Boston Research Map“Boston Research Map is an open source web mapping system that is an ongoing project of the Boston Area Research Initiative (BARI) in conjunction with the WorldMap [Harvard University] team. It is intended to help faculty and their students, policymakers and practitioners, and community members to explore the neighborhoods of Boston from their computer.”
African American Freedom Trail Project at Tufts UniversityThe African American Trail Project is a city-wide network and community-based archive, housed at Tufts University. Inspired by the scholarship of the late Tufts Professor Gerald R. Gill (1948-2007) on civil rights and the history of Black Boston, and driven by faculty and student research, the project maps African American public history sites, while developing collaborative, community-based public history projects across greater Boston.
Boston Literary District MapThe map shows both event and program spaces located throughout the Literary District where readings, conferences, and other literary gatherings take place, and historic literary sites. The event venues and historic literary sites are listed in separate columns.
Emerald Necklace Park MapThe Emerald Necklace Conservancy is a private non-profit stewardship organization founded in 1998 to maintain, restore and protect the parks of the Emerald Necklace designed by Frederick Law Olmsted for all to explore, use and enjoy.
The Boston Directory, 1789-1900 (The Boston Athenaeum)The Boston Directory appeared in 1789 and was published irregularly until 1825, when annual publication started. Various publishers were involved over the many decades of its existence: John Norman (1789); John West (1796-1803); Edward Cotton (1805-1818); Charles Stimpson (1820-1846); George Adams (1846-1857); Adams, Sampson & Co. (1858-1865); Sampson, Davenport & Co. (1865-1884); Sampson, Murdock & Co. (1885-1903); Sampson & Murdock Co. (1904-1930); R.L. Polk & Co. (1944-1981).
Boston City Directories (BPL)Boston Public Library. The Boston directories, in hard copy, date from 1809 to the present; the earliest one on microfilm is dated 1789.
Boston City Directories (Tufts)Boston Streets: Mapping Directory Data, Tufts University) database and page images of nine directories from 1845 to 1925
The Boston Directory (Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center)Boston directories for 1820, 1827, 1832, 1836, 1838-1839, 1841-1846
Available at Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Y collection (non-circulating) (F73.2 .D89 )