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CineMAfriq Film Series

An archive and resource for films discussed as part of the BU African Studies Libraries' CineMAfriq Film Series.

Belonging (South Africa, 2004)

Directed by Khetiwe Ngcobo, Minky Schlesinger, Produced by Khetiwe Ngcobo, Rene Williams, In Real Stories from a Free South Africa, Volume 3.

Born into exile as the daughter of political émigrés, Kethiwe Ngcobo and her family returned to their longed-for homeland, South Africa in 1994. Now ten years later, Kethiwe, a hip, young woman with a British accent finds herself struggling to find her place in the new South Africa. Hoping to reconcile the warring strands of her identity, Khetiwe seeks healing in her Zulu traditions. At the same time, her sister refuses to participate in any ceremonies as meaningless rituals.                                                                                                                                                            (English & Zulu with subtitles)

(58 minutes)

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