"Author and professor Darra Goldstein, Bonnie and Israel Morales of Kachka explain vodka's history and the how Russians typically enjoy the drink, as well as derivatives of it in their gatherings. Their stories reveal surprising depth and variation":
Russia is famous for its vodka, and its culture of extreme intoxication. But just as vodka is central to the lives of many Russians, it is also central to understanding Russian history and politics.
Cabbage and Caviar places Russian food and drink in the context of Russian history and shows off the incredible (and largely unknown) variety of Russian food.
An interdisciplinary history of Russia's agriculture and food systems documents a far more complex story of the interactions between political policies, daily cultural practices, and technological improvements.
Alison K. Smith examines changing attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs about the production and consumption of food in Russia from the late eighteenth century through the mid-nineteenth century.