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How to Locate Permalinks

JSTOR Instructions

To copy the permalink link for a JSTOR resource, open the article you wish to link and right click and copy the DOI link.

The DOI link is located below the journal publication information at the top of the article page.

NOTE: Please check to make sure this link is proxied. The URL should have at the beginning (example:, meaning that students will be prompted to log into BU Libraries to access JSTOR. If the URL does not have this proxy prefix, off-campus students or students using a VPN will not be able to access the article. 

To make a proxied URL:

If the DOI link does not have the ezproxy component, you can make your own proxied link by adding to the beginning of the stable URL, which can be copied from next to the DOI link, and add the proxy prefix to the beginning of the stable URL. It is important to test the link to ensure that it works as intended prior to sharing with students.

Stable URL is located below journal publication information at the top of the article.


Stable URL:

Proxied Permalink:

User Services Coordinator

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Basilio Serna
Pardee Library
595 Commonwealth Ave.,
Boston, MA 02215