"... Evidence-based refers to any concept or strategy that is derived from or informed by objective evidence—most commonly, educational research or metrics of school, teacher, and student performance."
Great Schools Partnership
"'What gets measured gets done' is a common saying among researchers."
National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
This guide on Equity Diversity and Inclusion in Education highlights many academic sources available at BU, and will always be a work in progress. You may want to begin by studying some background information first, such as the Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education (BU Libraries eBook), but note when and how to use background material.
Diversity & Inclusion at Boston University:
"In a community as big as ours, there are numerous ways to be an effective ally and advocate.
First step: get involved! Participate!"
Your comments and questions are always welcome. Please feel free to recommend print and online additions.
White Like Me
Miss Representation
Precious Knowledge
#APeoplesJourney: African American Women and the Struggle for Equality
The Model Minority Myth
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race
Teached - The Race-Based Education Gap in America
Miseducation of Cameron Post
Bostonia: Crystal Williams is Guiding BU Toward Greater Diversity and Inclusion
The HistoryMakers Database | HistoryMakers: Education
Featured Books, including Ibram X. Kendi's How to Be an Antiracist
Race Equity in Schools: Roles and Responsibilities of White Educators
Conversations with Experts: Jay Halfond with Raul Fernandez
Center for Antiracist Research
Amanda Gorman at the Biden Inauguration
African-American Biography Research Guide by Donald Altschiller
Immigrant History Initiative
What Does This Year's New Normal Look Like for Terriers
How Social Science Got Better: Overcoming Bias with More Evidence, Diversity, and Self-reflection
College Fear Factor
UCLA School of Law Critical Race Studies CRT Forward Tracking Project
Gender Queer A Memoir
Microintervention Strategies
True Biz
Palaces for the People
Exploring Race in Society
America's Invitation Launch Video
Affirming LGBTQ+ Students in Higher Education
The Well-Being Struggle
Toward Critical Multimodality: Theory, Research, and Practice in Transformative Educational Spaces
It is important to note, this has not always been true:
“Segregated Libraries.” Digital Public Library of America, https://dp.la/exhibitions/history-us-public-libraries/segregated-libraries. Accessed 19 Jun. 2020.