Missionary Correspondence, 1897-1940 This missionary files series is composed of correspondence from missionaries in the field to the Board of Missions and correspondence from the Board to its missionaries. The files also contain reference material about missionaries, mission stations, and conferences. The correspondence is arranged alphabetically by missionary name. (13 reels total)
Board Correspondence, 1896-1899 This series of board correspondence contains letters by staff of the Board of Missions to various missionaries, lawyers, banks and others involved in the administration of the agency’s task. These letterbooks are organized chronologically. Each volume has an index that shows where a particular person’s letters are located. (12 reels)
Board Correspondence, 1896-1899 This series of board correspondence contains letters by staff of the Board of Missions to various missionaries, lawyers, banks and others involved in the administration of the agency’s task. These letterbooks are organized chronologically. Each volume has an index that shows where a particular person’s letters are located. (12 reels)
These items are available in microfilm format, or rolls of film with micro images of the pages on each film.
Microfilm rolls may not leave the library, and need a microfilm reader to use.
Please contact the Reference Librarians at sthref@bu.edu to request any rolls of microfilm and make an appointment to use the microfilm readers. Make sure to include the title of the publication as well as the years/volumes/rolls of the title that you are interested in.