Sociology looks at how people behave socially as groups and what factors contribute to social changes.
Here are some possibilities:
1. Use the following databases to see if any relevant sociological studies have been done on populations you would like to study: ex. clergy, churches/denominations, students, veterans, etc.
2. Use the following databases to find sociological studies investigating a factor (or multiple factors) related to the transformation or social change you wish to see in your ministry. Note: If you can't find your exact ministry area in particular, look at similar or parallel contexts (health care, counseling, teaching), and in your paper you can (read: should) address any differences between these contexts and your ministry.
Social Sciences Full Text provides access to hundreds of English language journals in the social sciences. About two-thirds of the journals are peer-reviewed.
This database contains indexes journal articles and books in the social sciences. Subjects covered in the database include anthropology, economics, education, ethnography, political science, sociology and more. It has a broad international scope. Abstracts are available for half of all current journal articles.
This collection provides access to databases covering international literature in social sciences, including politics, public policy, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science, and education. Featured databases include IBSS, Sociological Abstracts and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. Together, they provide abstracts, indexing and full-text access to journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, and more.