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Social Work

This guide is to support you as your navigate BU Libraries and conduct research in the field of social work.

Types of Resources

There are many different types of valuable resources and data for research. This list is a starting point of additional existing data sets, government resources, newspapers, images, and statistical sources.

Find Newspaper Articles

Connection to all BU Libraries newspaper content is available here. Some recommended places to search newspaper content is:

  • Boston Globe (1872 - 1993) 
    • Best live news, sports, opinion and entertainment in New England by Globe journalists.
  • Boston Globe (1980 - Present) 
    • ​​​​​​​Best live news, sports, opinion and entertainment in New England by Globe journalists. Includes today's coverage. 
  • New York Times (1851 - 2020) 
    • Search historical content with research-friendly search options. 
  • New York Times
    • Current BU students, faculty, and staff may access the New York Times online. Our subscription includes news articles from 1851 to today’s front page. Directions for activating your BU log-in are available online here
  • ProQuest Recent Newspapers 
    • ​​​​​​​Searches across multiple databases.
  • Access World News 
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Find full-text current and archived articles on issues, events, people, government and more. Includes local news, editorials, announcements and other sections from more than 10,000 sources.
  • PressReader
    • ​​​​​​​Full-page images and article images with searchable full text of international newspapers and magazines from the last 90 days, in the original language. 
  • Nexis Uni
    • World news publications including newspapers and magazines, trade journals, newswires, transcripts, press releases and blogs. Emphasis on legal decisions, company information, economic climates, and country news. 

Find Think Tank Content

The subscription database CIAO: Columbia international affairs online searches within many well-known think tanks, with a focus on International Relations. The search box below is a custom search created in Google; it is in no way complete, but may provide a useful starting point.

Find Government Resources

Federal Data Update (February 2025):

Like with any resource, we want to be critical and skeptical of the origin and intended purpose of information. Given changes in United States federal data access that began in January 2025, pre-2025 archived versions of federal data sets are available through these two resources:

U.S. Federal Government Resources

Social Explorer: Explore over 500,000 data indicators and over 220 years of data for the United States from present to 1790, including all Decennial Censuses, American Community Surveys and many other datasets.

U.S. Government Publishing Office Federal Digital System: GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys) provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. 

Center for Disease Control: Pre-2025 data and statistics from the Center for Disease Control.

U.S. Government Budget Fiscal Year 2025: Details governmental budget allocations and priorities for the fiscal year. 

ProQuest Congressional: Covers abstracts and indexing for hearings, reports, documents and committee prints. This website allows you to discover government information and services by topic. 

U.S. Census: This portal will connect you to information related to the last census. The legislation collection includes records for every bill and resolution introduced in the U.S. Congress.

House Ways and Means Committee Green Book: Green Book provides data and other information on federal programs within the purview of the House Ways and Means Committee, which includes social security and child care services. 


State Government Resources

Library of Congress State and Local Government Information: Provides detailed information on legal materials by state jurisdiction This website provides information on local state policies including housing, unemployment, and healthcare access.

Fiscal 50: State Trends & Analysis: An interactive web platform that offers context and details on states' fiscal health with regional benchmarks, state trends, and various data points.

Find Data Sets and Repositories

APA Links to Data Sets and Repositories: Links to numerous data sets and repositories provided by the American Psychological Association. Offers detailed information on more than 2,000 research data repositories.

ICPSRAn international data archive of more than 500,000 files of research in the social sciences.

Child Care & Early Education Research Connections: An online policy library for research in child care and early education.

UNC DataverseThe Odum Institute Dataverse Network provides access to data collections curated by the Odum Institute.

NIF: Neuroscience Information FrameworkThe largest searchable collection of neuroscience data, the largest catalog of biomedical resources, and the largest ontology for neuroscience on the web. 

Find Statistical Sources

Social Explorer: Explore over 500,000 data indicators and over 220 years of data for the United States from present to 1790, including all Decennial Censuses, American Community Surveys and many other datasets.

Policy Map: This link opens in a new window Easy-to-use online mapping and visualization tool. You can download demographic, economic, and social data by city, state, zip code, county, or census tract. Data points include crime, housing, health, education and occupation. 

Statistical Insight: Indexes U.S. Federal, state government, and international statistics. This is available to you as a BU affiliated through a Boston Public Library card (available as an electronic card, here). 

Statistical Tools at BU

BU provides access to three statistical software programs: JMP, SAS, and SPSS. More information about this can be found on the IS&T Website.
