BU School of Social Work Career Guide
This rich career guide put together by the School of Social Work at BU covers career resources, strategies for identifying next steps, and all aspects of writing cover letters and resumes.
Build Your Cover Letter and Resume
The National Association of Social Workers shares examples of resumes for social work students and professionals. Their offerings also include templates for cover letters and other professional correspondence.
The School of Social Work offers comprehensive support with exams and licensure. Information on workshops and study groups is available for social work students.
Graduate students and faculty submitting articles for publication; faculty seeking to bolster tenure applications; and undergraduates interested in using the most authoritative analysis and data in writing research papers, all potentially have an interest in the highest ranked journals in their fields. As a result, there are numerous lists and citation-based metrics attempting to provide guidance. Journal rankings are intended, not only to reflect the place of a journal within its field, but also indicate the relative difficulty of being published in that journal.
Many lists of journals are subjective, depending upon subject grouping choices (what journals are included in the field of International Relations?), but citation-based metrics have permitted more objective criteria across disciplines. Some commonly used citation metrics are
In addition to the two sources noted here (Google and the subscription-only Journal Citation Reports), Harzing Publish or Perish Software is a free software program that retrieves and analyzes academic citations. It uses Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search to obtain the raw citations.
Google Scholar Metrics: Scholar Metrics provide a way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications
Journal Citation Reports: Journal Citation Reports allows users to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from science and social science journals from publishers in more than 80 countries. It shows research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and the relationship between citing and cited journals.
Rankings are categorized by discipline with h5-index and h5-median scores.
Selected categories from the social sciences: