Industry information arranged by NAICS code, including competitors, materials, statistics, inputs and outputs. The latest copy is at the Pardee Services Desk on the Reserve-Reference (High Use) shelves.
Provides concise information on how common products are manufactured. Also includes illustrations for each entry and bibliographic citations leading to more information. The latest copy is at the Pardee Services Desk on the Reserve-Reference (High Use) shelves. Please also see the online version.
From the US Department of Commerce, this service is the “central resource for government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information available today.”
Formerly Thomas Register. Company profiles provide contact information for over 168,000 US and Canadian manufacturing companies. Browse by product and service and request prices.
A comprehensive analysis of economic activity in 458 manufacturing industries. Includes rankings of companies listed by(SIC) code. The latest copy is at the Pardee Services Desk on the Reserve-Reference (High Use) shelves.
Includes patent applications in their original language from The European Patent Office, the World Intellectual Property Organization and patent applications with an English abstract and title from Worldwide (50 countries and regions) and Japan. Includes bibliographic details and where available the abstract, full text and images of a document. See the Patent Offices of the Member States.
The official web site of the United States patent and Trademark Office. Search patents and trademarks, order copies, apply for patents, register trademarks, pay fees, monitor progress and more.
Gives sections of the CMR which are available on the web from the Mass Trial Court Law Libraries. Consult this online CMR index by Subject (Code of Massachusetts Regulation Index) to learn the title and section of a regulation. See their document delivery service to obtain a copy via email of a regulation not yet available on the web.
Market intelligence by country and city, includes office market, industry market and R & D market. Reports contain square feet available, vacancy rates, and other useful information.