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Free Publicly Available Data

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Public Datasets
AWS hosts a variety of public datasets that anyone can access for free.
American Economic Association - Data Sources
Provides links to some of the most useful and popular economics data sources, categorized by data type
Awesome Public Datasets
A list of topic-centric high quality public data sources. Collected from blogs, answers, and user responses.
Center on Poverty & Social Policy at Columbia University
Produces research to advance understanding of poverty and the role of social policy in reducing poverty and promoting opportunity, economic security, and individual and family well-being. Center's work focuses on poverty
and social policy issues in New York City and the U.S.
Search for datasets across over 1,000 different major data centers and repositories including ICPSR, Harvard Dataverse, Data-Planet, the California Digital Library, Figshare, Dryad, the Center for Open Science, UC San Diego Library Digital Collections, etc.
Data USA
Use Data USA to understand and visualize the critical issues facing the United States in areas like jobs, skills and education across industry and geography.
DocNow Tweet Catalog
Collectively curated listing of Twitter datasets. Public datasets are shared as Tweet IDs, which can be hydrated back into full datasets.
Economic Policy Institute
Non-profit American think tank based in Washington, D.C. that carries out economic research and analyzes the economic impact of policies and proposals.
European Union Open Data Portal
The European Union Open Data Portal provides access to an expanding range of data from the European Union institutions and other EU bodies.
Google Dataset Search
Find datasets stored across thousands of repositories on the Web.
Mendeley Data
Open research data repository, where researchers can upload and share research data. Datasets can be shared privately among individuals, as well as published to share with the world.
NBER - Data
NBER's collection of links to freely available data.
Our World in Data
Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems. 3139 charts across 297 topics. All free: open access and open source.
Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research.
Population Reference Bureau
Specializes in collecting and supplying statistics necessary for research and/or academic purposes focused on the environment, and health and structure of populations.
Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection
A collection of more than 50 large network datasets from tens of thousands of nodes and edges to tens of millions of nodes and edges. In includes social networks, web graphs, road networks, internet networks, citation networks, collaboration networks, and communication networks.
Yahoo! Webscope Datasets
The Yahoo Webscope Program is a reference library of interesting and scientifically useful datasets for non-commercial use by academics and other scientists.