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Data Repositories
Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
CESSDA provides large scale, integrated and sustainable data services to the social sciences. It brings together social science data archives across Europe.
Data repositories - Open Access Directory
Provides a list of repositories and databases for open data
Find maps and data.
Online digital repository where researchers can preserve and share research outputs, including figures, datasets, images, and videos. Free to upload content and free to access.
Harvard Dataverse
Harvard Dataverse Network, housed at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS) at Harvard, hosts the world's largest collection of social science research.
Humanitarian Data Exchange
HDX is an open platform for sharing data. The goal of HDX is to make humanitarian data easy to find and use for analysis. Launched in July 2014, HDX has been accessed by users in over 200 countries and territories.
Mendeley Data
Open research data repository, where researchers can upload and share research data. Datasets can be shared privately among individuals, as well as published to share with the world.
Qualitative Data Repository
QDR selects, ingests, curates, archives, manages, durably preserves, and provides access to digital data used in qualitative and multi-method social inquiry.
Global registry of research data repositories from all academic disciplines.
UK Data Service
UK Data Service is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council to meet the data needs of researchers, students and teachers from all sectors, including academia, central and local government, charities and foundations, independent research centres, think tanks, and business consultants and the commercial sector.