An excellent, thorough guide developed by the Boston University School of Law Pappas Law Library which concentrates on resources available within that library. All BU students have access to these materials on site, with the exception of certain online resources with contractual restricted access.
Produced through the US Department of State’s Office of the Legal Adviser; a list of treaties and other international agreements of the United States in force on January 1 of each year. (note: site is currently being reorganized.)
Hein Online Treaties and Agreements Library Includes official and unofficial sources, such as:
United States Statutes at Large Vols. 7-8 (1848, 1867)
United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST) Vols. 1-35 (1950-1984)
Treaties and International Act Series (TIAS) TIAS 11060 to TIAS 12734 (1982-1996)
KAV Agreements (Recent State Department Agreements, Senate Treaty Documents, Trade Agreements and others) KAV 0001-7861 (1987-2006)
Collection of Neutrality Law, Regulations and Treaties of Various Countries1939
Current Treaty Index1982-1999
Hertslet’s Commercial Treaties: A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions, and Reciprocal Regulations, at Present Subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers Vols. 1-31 (1840-1840) All Published
Treaties in Force (TIF) 1929-2006
Comprehensive online search service for finding information about environmental treaties and national resource indicators.
The Multilaterals Project, begun in 1992, is an ongoing project designed to make available the texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments.
Senate, House and Treaty Documents
A subset of GPO Access, a database of congressional documents. This database contains selected House, Senate, and treaty documents from the 104th Congress (1995-96) through the present. Only the Congressional documents that are printed by the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) are included. The “Catalog of Available Documents,” which appears as the first hit in every results list, lists by report number all of the documents that are currently available via GPO Access.
(United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights)
While State reports and concluding observations constitute the core of the database, you will also find other full-text documents and factual data (Reporting Status, Status of Ratification) concerning reporting process and ratification of the treaties, as well as information relating to the UN Committees. Well organized, can be sorted by country.
University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
The Library contains a large collection of international human rights treaties, instruments, general comments, recommendations, decisions, and views of treaty bodies.