BU Libraries Search is a gateway to books (both print and ebooks); peer-reviewed articles; government documents and media.
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The button takes you to ILL online request forms. The first time you use the service you'll need to add some personal info. If an item is locally available, turnaround time is approximately three working days. (This is a free service to BU students, so use it early and often!) |
Online version of Encyclopædia Britannica along Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, magazines and periodicals and other reference sources.
The Chicago Manual of Style Online is a searchable guide the Chicago style of citation, editorial, and publishing practices. It includes both the 15th and 16th editions plus searchable Q&A content, sample forms, letters, and style sheets, and other tools.
A complete version of the second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (1989) with onlines updates added four times a year since 2000.
Covers abstracts and indexing for hearings, reports, documents and committee prints.
This database contains indexing and abstracts of American doctoral dissertations accepted at accredited institutions since 1861 and a selection from other countries. Masters level theses are included selectively.
Provides access to resources owned by the Boston University Libraries or available to BU affiliates, to resources available from affiliated libraries, and to resources owned by all other WorldCat libraries. WorldCat is a worldwide union catalog created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 member institutions. With millions of online records built from the bibliographic and ownership information of contributing libraries, it is the largest and most comprehensive database of its kind.