Journal articles are the cutting edge of academic dialogue about their given subject. They are a useful and necessary resource for nearly all academic research papers.
Articles from academic journals today are indexed in databases. This means we can go to a database, search by keyword, and find related articles from a broad range of journals indexed within that database.
BU has subscriptions to over 500 databases, ranging from general academic databases (ex: JSTOR) to subject databases in everything from art to medicine to sociology.
Below, you'll see some recommended databases for this particular course, alongside some helpful search tips. You can also visit our STH Library Databases page for more ideas.
An index to journal articles, essays, and book reviews in the field of religion. Covers biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religious perspectives on social issues.
This database is a core general science resource, covering all aspects of scientific literature. It also has a number of tools that make it a unique resource for finding scholarly literature. Item records come with links both to the works cited by the paper in question and the future works that cite that paper. Web of Science also allows the user to set up email alerts for specific authors or topics, provides researcher profiles, and to use associated journal metrics provided by the vendor.
A multidisciplinary science database designed for students and non-specialists. Subjects includes astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, conservation, health, medicine, oceanography, physics, and zoology. Covers leading journals and magazines, biographical sketches, symposia, conferences, review articles, and special issues of journals. Also covers the New York Times Science Section and cites book reviews.
ScienceDirect is a general science database that searches journal articles and book chapters in all areas of science, technology, and health. ScienceDirect also provides full text access to a number of major reference works, allows the user to create email alerts for specific journal titles, book series, or research topics, and provides access to a limited number of "pre-pub" articles (articles accepted for publication but not yet officially released).
Environment Complete is a comprehensive database focused on all aspects of environmental science including conservation, biodiversity, climate, pollution, agriculture and aquaculture, environmental law and policy, urban planning, environmental engineering, and more.
This database provides full text access to the back issues of core scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Book reviews are included as well as journal articles. Abstracts are available for some of the articles.