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Socio-economic data & statistics sources

AidData tracks $40 trillion in funding for development. AidData not only publishes a comprehensive development finance data portal, but [also] analyzes development data and provides others with the tools and skills to do the same.
Africa Development Bank - Statistical Data Portal
The AfDB Statistical Data Portal has been developed in response to the increasing demand for statistical data and indicators relating to African Countries. The Portal provides multiple customized tools to gather indicators, analyze them, and export them into multiple formats.
With the Data Portal, you can visualize Socio-Economic indicators over a period of time, gain access to presentation-ready graphics and perform comprehensive analysis on a Country and Regional level.
Africapolis: Visualise Urbanization Data
Africapolis is a research and data visualisation tool used to map, analyse and understand urbanisation and urban growth in Africa. It is produced by the Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC) in collaboration with
IRI – International Research Institute for Climate and Society
IRI/LDEO Climate Data LibraryThe IRI Data Library is a powerful and freely accessible online data repository and analysis tool that allows a user to view, analyze, and download hundreds of terabytes of climate-related data through a standard web browser.
Country Profiles from WDI (World Bank)
Country profiles present the latest key development data drawn from the World Development Indicators (WDI) database, the World Bank's primary database for cross-country comparable development data.
Country Statistics Profile from World Statistics Pocketbook (UNdata)
comprehensive compilation of over 50 key statistical indicators, collected from over 20 international statistical sources and presented in one-page profiles for 224 countries or areas of the world. The 2016 edition covers various years from 2005 to 2016.
Gender, Insitutions and Development Data Base
The OECD Gender, Institutions and Development Database (GID-DB) represents a new tool for researchers and policy makers to determine and analyse obstacles to women’s economic development. It covers a total of 160 countries and comprises an array of 60 indicators on gender discrimination. The database has been compiled from various sources and combines in a systematic and coherent fashion the current empirical evidence that exists on the socio-economic status of women.
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online (United Nations)
Presents current economic and social statistics for more than 200 countries and territories of the world.
OECD International Development Statistics
The detailed aid statistics provide comprehensive data on the volume, origin and types of foreign aid and other resource flows from donor countries to recipient countries. Data on official development assistance (ODA) are provided by OECD members of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC).
Our World in Data
Our World in Data covers a wide range of topics across many academic disciplines: Trends in health, food provision, the growth and distribution of incomes, violence, rights, wars, culture, energy use, education, and environmental changes are empirically analyzed and visualized in this web publication.
Social Science Research Data (Inter-State Consortium for Political & Social Research)
The ISR Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research offers more than 500,000 digital files containing social science research data from around the world, accessible to researchers affiliated with member institutions.
UN Statistics Division - Environmental Indicators
UNSD Environmental Indicators disseminate global environment statistics on ten indicator themes compiled from a wide range of data sources. The themes and indicator tables were selected based on the current demands for international environmental statistics and the availability of internationally comparable data. Indicator tables, charts and maps with relatively good quality and coverage across countries, as well as links to other international sources, are provided under each theme.