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Chicago Tribune 2008-
World news publications including newspapers and magazines, trade journals, newswires, transcripts, press releases and blogs. Legal sources including federal and state cases and statutes, U.S. Supreme Court decisions and legal news. Company information including profiles of U.S. and international companies, financial data and executives. Country information including news, risk profiles and economic analysis and data.
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Find full-text current and archived articles on issues, events, people, government and more. Includes local news, editorials, announcements and other sections from more than 10,000 sources.
International, searchable, full text coverage of selected newspapers. (Text only; does not include images, charts.) Date coverage: 1977+
Worldwide full text coverage of local and regional newspapers, trade publications, business newswires, press release wires, media transcripts, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, historical market data. Dates vary by publication.
Full-page images and article images with searchable full text of international newspapers and magazines from the last 90 days.
General OneFile (Gale)
Includes 500+ National and International Newspapers and 400+ Newswires. Years vary by publication.
Search across ProQuest newspaper databases including ProQuest Historical Newspapers, International Newsstream, Canadian Major Dailies, Ethnic Newswatch, and the Boston Globe. These databases can also be searched separately.
Full text of Canadian national and regional newspapers including the National Post, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, Regina Leader Post, Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun, and the Victoria Times-Colonist. Date coverage: Varies by title.
The Roper Center is a public opinion archive that preserves the data from polls conducted by many leading survey organizations. Most of the data are from the United States, but over 50 nations are represented. The iPOLL databank offers access to nearly half a million survey questions and answers asked in the U.S. by more than 150 survey organizations. Direct links are given to study documentation and datasets.
Designed to enable a cross-national comparison of values and norms on a wide variety of topics and to monitor changes in values and attitudes across the globe. WVS has had six waves (1981-2014). You can download the full datasets for each wave or a longitudinal file covering all waves or analyze them online.
The ISSP is a cross-national survey program conducting annual surveys across a group of countries. The survey asks questions on a variety of topics. Individual years link to GESIS where full datasets can be downloaded. They can also be analyzed online through the ZACAT platform. Also has links to its 50 member states including national public opinion.
Collaborative survey project covering six regions: Africa, East and Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central and South America, the Middle East and countries of former Soviet Union. Measures attitudes about politics, power, reform, democracy, etc. Download the dataset or analyze online.
The Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project conducts public opinion surveys around the world on a broad array of subjects ranging from people’s assessments of their own lives to their views about the current state of the world and important issues of the day.
Compilation of public opinion surveys conducted in the United States and more than 80 other countries. Searches at the question level; browse by topic or country. Provides summary response totals.
The Voice of the People Survey Series is WIN/Gallup International Association's End of Year survey and is a global study that collects the public's view on the challenges that the world faces today. Conducted in approximately 50 countries, with a minimal sample size of 500 per country. Data in multiple formats.
WorldPublicOpinion.org is an international collaborative project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the Univ of Maryland. Provides polling data and analysis from numerous sources. Full datasets can be downloaded.
A longstanding survey of public opinion in the EU and candidate countries. Create tables by searching questions and comparing countries responses over time. Use the Question Search to find if and when a topic was covered on the Eurobarometer. Includes a a guide to topical trends over time. For quick download of entire waves of the survey, use the series in ICPSR. 1970+
Biennial multi-country survey covering over 30 nations. The 1st round was in 2002/2003, the 9th was completed in 2018. It monitors change and continuity in a wide range of social, political, moral, health, and demographic variables. Download full datasets or analyze them online, after free registration.
The European Values Study is a large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research program on how Europeans think about life, family, work, religion, politics, and society. Surveys were done in 1981, 1990, 1999, and 2008. You can download full datasets or analyze online after a free registration.
Six wave survey conducted between 2012 and 2014 in the Southern and Eastern EU Neighborhood countries, from Morocco to Lebanon (Syria was not surveyed), and from Azerbaijan to Belarus, plus Russia. 1000 face-to-face interviews covering perception of living conditions, political issues, political efficacy across the region, attitudes toward the EU, and other topics. Data in SPSS and Stata.
Annual survey in the Russian Federation, 1992–2012. Each survey has a nationwide sample of 1600 to 2000 respondents. Topics include political, economic, and social affairs. For more information, see the CSPP pages. Monthly trend files from the surveys can be accessed through the Russia Votes site and online analysis is available for each wave plus a multi-wave trend file.
Includes nearly all the countries of East Central, East, and Southeast Europe, 1991–2005. Topics include evaluations of and attitudes to the economic, political, and social transformations of the region after the end of communism. For more information, see the CSPP pages.
Surveys of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, 1993–2004 with a focus on the different nationalities in the Baltics. Asks representative samples of each nationality similar sets of questions about their multiple identities, language use, political attitudes, economic behavior, and social conditions. For more information, see the CSPP pages.
US and European public opinion on a host of transatlantic issues, including foreign policy challenges, support for NATO, the economy, and the rise of other world powers with an aim to foster debate on the strategic policy goals, objectives, and values of the United States and Europe as members of the transatlantic community. Full datasets through 2014 are available through the Roper Center as well as ICPSR.
Measures the social, political and economic atmosphere in Africa. Beginning with 12 countries in Round 1 (1999–2001), it now (Round 7, 2017–18) conducts surveys in more than 30 countries (and 115 languages) comprising 76% of Africa's population. See the coverage by country chart. Data in SPSS for individual countries as well as a merged file. Online analysis is available.
Survey designed to assess citizen attitudes in the Arab world on such topics as: support for democratic institutions, political interest and participation, attitudes toward terrorism and political violence, conceptions and interpretations of Islam, the relationship between religion and politics, and attitudes toward Middle East international relations. 5 waves, 2006-2019. Downloads in multiple formats or can be analyzed online. Also available through ICPSR.
Covers 8–14 countries in East Asia in multiple waves (2001–03; 2005–08; 2010–12; 2014–16); and 2 waves for 5 South Asian countries. Topics include economic evaluations; trust in institutions, political participation, media use, political evaluations; socio-political values, and views on international relations. Data in SPSS; free, but requires individual application. Online analysis available for waves 1 & (part of) 2.
Annual household survey about social, economic, and political issues and attitudes in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, 2008–2015. Also includes additional surveys of public attitudes to policies and institutions in Georgia. Data in SPSS and Stata; documentation in English. Can also be analyzed online.
Covers all Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) with 8 waves conducted twice a year since 2017. The core part of the questionnaire remains the same each wave. Topics include attitudes towards foreign countries, international organizations and domestic politics, including elections, government policies, media usage, public health, security and economy. Data is freely available after a 2 year embargo period in Excel, Stata, and SPSS formats.
Latinobarómetro is an annual public opinion survey that involves some 19,000 interviews in 18 Latin American countries (also includes Spain for most years) from 1995–2015. Datasets in multiple formats; results can also be analyzed online.
Provides access to the America's Barometer, which includes 28 countries across North, Central, and South America, and the Caribbean, 2004–present. Topics include citizen views on regime/democracy support, political tolerance, political participation, local government, corruption, views on authoritarianism, and more. Datasets for individual countries as well as merged longitudinal files for each country and for all countries across rounds available in SPSS and Stata. Online analysis available. Pre-2004 datasets also available for download.
Public opinion surveys conducted by the survey research community in Latin America. To date, the collection holds nearly 1,200 studies from 16 countries, with the largest contributions coming from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, primarily 1990s forward.
Our Data and Statistical Services catalog has for additional public opinion polls that can be filtered by country or region..
The General Social Survey (GSS) is a nationally representative survey of adults in the US. The GSS collects data on contemporary American society in order to monitor and explain trends in opinions, attitudes and behaviors.