Introduction to resources and researching human rights within an African context. Resources highlighted include open access materials as well as those only available to the BU community.
Africa South of the Sahara by Europa Europa Publications (Editor)The definitive one-volume guide to all sub-Saharan African countries, providing invaluable economic, political, statistical and directory data.... Individual chapters on every country incorporating: essays on the physical and social geography, recent history and economies an extensive statistical survey of economic indicators a full directory containing names, addresses and contact details for key areas such as the government, diplomatic representation, the media, finance, trade and industry, and defence a useful bibliography, providing sources for further research.
Africa yearbook.Annual journal on politics, economy and society south of the Sahara. (Note: use browsers other than Google Chrome to access)
Location: Online Access
Publication Date: 2004 - current (2019)
Historical Dictionaries of Africa SeriesThis Historical Dictionaries of Africa series is country specific and provides historical information through a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has several hundred cross-referenced entries on important personalities, politics, economy, foreign relations, religion, and culture. The books in this series are an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about African countries" Be sure to look for the most recent editions.
Economist Intelligence Unit: Country ReportsThis link opens in a new windowEach country page in the EIU database provides forecast updates and featured analysis on economic and political events as well as content pertaining to market opportunities, government regulations and the financial services sector.
Encyclopedia of Human Rights by David P. ForsytheWinner of the 2010 Dartmouth Medal, this major five-volume encyclopedia offers comprehensive coverage of all aspects of human rights theory, practice, law, and history. The set will provide situation profiles and full coverage of the development of the movement, historical cases of abuse, the key figures, major organizations, and a range of other issues in economics, government, religion, and journalism that touch on human rights theory and practice. In addition to providing original analytical articles covering standard subjects such as the right to health and health care, Amnesty International, the Balkan wars, and former President of Ireland Mary Robinson, it offers innovative coverage of such subjects as the Internet, intellectual property rights, the American civil rights movement, globalization, and Brazil in historical context. Focusing primarily on developments since 1945, it offers an unrivaled reference source for students and researchers; even human rights experts are likely to find much original material and keen insights in many of the entries. KEY SUBJECT AREAS INCLUDE: ORGANIZATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS: American Civil Liberties Union, World Health Organization, UNICEF, Carter Center LEADING FIGURES: Adolf Hitler, Steve Biko, Elie Wiesel, Simone de Beauvoir, Joseph Stalin, Eleanor Roosevelt, Pol Pot, Shirin Ebadi, Kim Jong Il HUMAN RIGHTS EVENTS AND CRISES: Darfur, Irish Famine, Soviet Gulag, Central America in the 1980s, Colonialism, Belgian Congo, AIDS HUMAN RIGHTS NORMS: Ethnic Cleansing, Women's Rights, Religious Freedom, Torture: International Law, Disability Rights
A dictionary of African politics by Cheeseman, Nic ; Bertrand, Eloïse ; Husaini, Sa'eedOxford reference online ; This dictionary provides clear and authoritative definitions of terms within the fast-growing field of African politics. It includes coverage of elections, parties, judiciaries, popular protest, gender relations, the politics of development, and Africa's international relations as well as major events and figures within African Politics. Entries range from Afrocentrism and the Bandung Conference to 'Rhodes must fall' and Sino-African relations and include key terms of particular relevance to Africa such as neopatrimonialism, queue voting, and post-conflict power-sharing. The dictionary also showcases the remarkably vibrant and insightful political language used in Africa, including a range of vernacular terms that are essential for a deep understanding of local political realities.
Location: Online Access
Publication Date: 2019
Routledge Handbook on Human Rights and the Middle East and North Africa by Anthony Tirado Chase (Editor)Recent events such as 'Iran's Green Revolution' and the 'Arab Uprisings' have exploded notions that human rights are irrelevant to Middle Eastern and North African politics. Increasingly seen as a global concern, human rights are at the fulcrum of the region's on-the-ground politics, transnational intellectual debates, and global political intersections. The Routledge Handbook on Human Rights and the Middle East and North Africa: emphasises the need to consider human rights in all their dimensions, rather than solely focusing on the political dimension, in order to understand the structural reasons behind the persistence of human rights violations; explores the various frameworks in which to consider human rights--conceptual, political and transnational/international; discusses issue areas subject to particularly intense debate--gender, religion, sexuality, transitions and accountability; contains contributions from perspectives that span from global theory to grassroots reflections, emphasising the need for academic work on human rights to seriously engage with the thoughts and practices of those working on the ground. A multidisciplinary approach from scholars with a wide range of expertise allows the book to capture the complex dynamics by which human rights have had, or could have, an impact on Middle Eastern and North African politics. This book will therefore be a key resource for students and scholars of Middle Eastern and North African politics and society, as well as anyone with a concern for Human Rights across the globe.
Location: Online Access
Publication Date: 2016
Documents of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights by African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights.The aim of this publication is to provide not only the basic documents, but also the less well known material related to the jurisprudence emanating from the consideration of communications. This volume therefore includes, amongst other material, the twelve activity reports adopted by the Commission, resolutions, and final communiqués from the sessions. This is the first attempt to reproduce comprehensively the many documents of the Commission adopted since its inception in 1987. It will be an essential reference for academics, students, and practitioners. The publication is produced in collaboration with the African Society for International and Comparative Law, the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria and Interights in London.
The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights by Malcolm Evans (Editor); Rachel Murray (Editor)The African Charter of Human and Peoples' Rights came into force in 1986, and is unique in that it lacks a precedent. However, little scholarship exists analysing it as an operational system in practice. The success of the first edition of this book led to this updated second edition. Contributors include experts who have been actively involved in the implementation of the Charter - commissioners, NGOs and academics. Offering a detailed evaluation of the Charter as a mechanism for the promotion and protection of human rights in Africa, the contributions cover the Charter's reporting system, the interpretation of different rights by the Commission, the prospects for the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights and the role of NGOs. This authoritative and comprehensive volume will interest lawyers acting for government and non-governmental organisations, as well as academics and postgraduates.
Location: Online Access
Publication Date: 2008
Compendium of key human rights documents of the African Union by Heyns, C. H ; Killander, MagnusThis Compendium contains documents on human rights adopted under the auspices of the African Union (AU) and its predecessor, the Organization of African Unity (OAU), including documents adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and those relating to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). A joint publication of the Africa Programme of the University for Peace and the Centre for Human Rights of the University of Pretoria.