The BULS search cambodia AND genocide retrieves 98 books (as of Feb 2018); 31 have been published in the last 5 years.
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Databases can be searched individually or in publisher groupings: for example, ProQuest databases (marked below as PQ) can be searched concurrently.
Full-page images and article images (PDF) with searchable full text from the following newspapers: Boston Globe; New York Times; Washington Post; Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and Chicago Defender. See listing for each individual newspaper for specific access information and to search that publication separately. Additional content for some titles is added on a one year rolling basis.
see also Human Rights Watch World Reports 1989+ (including current year.)
ARTstor is a database of images from museums, artists, libraries, colleges and universities, scholars, private collections, and photo archives available for teaching, education, and scholarship, with all images cleared for educational use.