BU Libraries Search is a gateway to books (both print and ebooks); peer-reviewed articles; government documents and media.
By default, BULS search results include books and articles that are available at BU. You can expand your research to items we may not own by choosing "WorldCat" (to locate books to request) or "More articles..." from the dropdown menu.
At the item record level you'll be prompted to and click through to request using our Interlibrary Loan Services. The first time you use the service you'll need to register. If an item is locally available, turnaround time is approximately three working days. (This is a free service to BU students, so use it early and often!)
BLC Perk: Current Boston University students, faculty, and staff may borrow books from Boston College, Brandeis University, and Northeastern University with a Boston University ID (Terrier card), just as you would in Boston University Libraries. |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. |