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CAS IR500 History of Deportation to Latin America (DRAFT)


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What you need to know:

  • Sign In after your first search. This allows you to keep a record of your search strategies and results using My Favorites - simply click the mark image by each record you want to save (saved items = pinned item)
  •  BULS searches for books, articles, and other formats such as government documents, dissertations, short news articles and images. The results list will be a combination of formats sorted by relevance. Each result indicates that it is available either in print or online -- or sometimes, both. findinlibrary = print
  • BULS does not search most newspapers (such as the New York Times); BUT we have other databases that cover newspapers and more.
  • To refine searches use quote marks to retrieve phrases ("gettysburg address") or consider looking for keywords only in the title (as opposed to looking in the full record.)
  • Need articles in "peer-reviewed journals"? No problem!  

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Filmmakers Loren and Matt Feinstein provide an eye-opening account of the downside of alternative, food-based fuel sources. Delving deep into the world of agrofuels and monocrops, they explore how the increasingly common practice of diverting food crops to the industrial production of cellulose-based fuels is devastating indigenous communities, undermining small farmers, and endangering the environment across Latin America. Turning to the promise of the future, they also show how grassroots communities are developing better, cleaner alternatives. A good resource for courses dealing with the global economy, development issues, and the environment.


Profile Photo
Donald Altschiller
Mugar Memorial Library
Subjects: History, Religion