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WR150: Africa in the Western Imagination


Exhibit Sources: Newspapers

Visit our Guide to African Newspapers at Boston University

The African Studies Library has a wide range of newspapers from across the continents. They exist in a variety of formats and span many years.  

Tip: Newspapers can provide a window on events or issues, but it is important to know a little bit about the newspaper. Is a political party behind it? Is it independently run? Is it a tabloid?

A Selection of Newspapers Databases

Historical Newspaper Databases

Exhibit Sources: Images

Nobel Prize, 2011Image Databases

Additional Sources for Images

Exhibit Sources: Ephemera / Pamphlet Collections

   What is ephemera or gray literature?  

Ephemera is a term given to materials that are considered to be of only temporary importance. Materials could include things like typescripts, manuscripts, memos, hand-written letters, pamphlets, etc. 

Gray literature typically includes publications such as reports (annual, research, technical, project, etc.), working papers, government documents, white papers and evaluations. Organizations that produce grey literature include government departments and agencies, civil society or non-governmental organizations, academic centres and departments, and private companies and consultants.


The African Studies Library has a significant collection of ephemera / gray literature / pamphlets organized by country/region and subject. Ask the African Studies Librarians to show you the collection; it's a treasure trove of information!

Film/ Video



In Library:

Archival and Primary Sources Online


Profile Photo
Rachel Dwyer
she/ her
African Studies Library
6th floor,
Mugar Memorial Library
Mon-Fri 9am - 5 pm
Subjects: African Studies