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ID 116: Africa Today

The guide provides research tips as well as selected listing of resources useful for research in topics covered by the course.


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Africa Past and Present: A podcast about African history, culture, and politics.  (Michigan State University)

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Not Another Book Podcast features three avid readers discussing literature, particularly African fiction.

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Ufahamu Africa is a podcast about life and politics on the continent. (Smith College)

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Twitter: Advanced Search


Use the Advanced Search


Advanced Search is not available on mobile, but you can still use all of the search features by learning a few search operators.

Operator purpose Example Explanation
" " EXACT PHRASE "Afica Today" The will search for the exact phrase as it appears in quotations
- EXCLUDE africa -today Shows results for africa, but will not include the word today
from: tweets from a particular use from:bulibraries type the twitter handle to search tweets from a particular account
since: get only tweets sent after a particular date since:2015-01-15 Always format dates as year-month-day. This searches for tweets after January 15 2015.
until: get only tweets sent after a particular date until:2015-02-15 Always format dates as year-month-day. This searches for tweets before February 15 2015



Profile Photo
Rachel Dwyer
she/ her
African Studies Library
6th floor,
Mugar Memorial Library
Mon-Fri 9am - 5 pm
Subjects: African Studies