Emerging from an era of changing mental health and addiction services,Different Diagnoses, Similar Experiences is the first work in its field to gather narratives of mental health, addiction and dual diagnoses into one publication.
Research Handbook on International Drug PolicyAnalysing one of the most controversial areas in public policy, this pioneering Research Handbook brings together contributions from expert researchers to provide a global overview of the shifting dynamics of drug policy. Chapters tackle a complex and cross-cutting issue from inter and multi-disciplinary perspectives, incorporating political science, history, law and public health into their analyses.
Marijuana: A Reference HandbookMarijuana: A Reference Handbook provides detailed coverage of the history and background of marijuana use in society, with special emphasis on the present day in the United States. It outlines the development of federal and state legislation with respect to marijuana use over the last century, focusing on changes that are taking place in the second decade of the 21st century, and examines the pros and cons of the use of marijuana for a variety of purposes.
The Opioid Crisis: A Reference HandbookThe Opioid Crisis: A Reference Handbook provides a detailed and accurate history of opioid use, helping readers to understand how the crisis developed, as well as a review of problems arising out of this crisis and some of the solutions that have been proposed. The volume additionally comprises ten essays from individuals who have a personal or educational connection to the crisis and short biographical and explanatory essays on important individuals and organizations working to mitigate the opioid crisis by supporting research of the biological systems implicated in opioid dependence and raising awareness of the challenges of addiction in America today.
Steroids and Doping in Sports : a Reference HandbookThis book provides readers with critical and objective information about steroids and doping in sports. The first two chapters deal with the history and background of steroids and doping in sports in addition to current problems, controversies, and possible solutions. Additionally, they provide readers with the background to understand the nature of the problems involving steroid use and doping in sports in the United States and worldwide.
Substance Abuse in America: a Documentary and Reference GuideSubstance Abuse in America: A Documentary and Reference Guide examines the history of U.S. drug policy chronologically, from the early 1900s through the current day, covering topics such as patent medicines, Prohibition, Reefer Madness, the psychedelic '60s, Nixon's War on Drugs, and the powerful warring Mexican drug cartels that currently threaten political instability in that country.
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive BehaviorThe title of the second edition, published in 2001, was modified to include addictive behaviors that did not involve drugs or alcohol. While paying close attention to the original vision and the broader scope reflected in the title change, we have tried to update and expand the work to include new and emerging topics and important developments in the many fields of addiction studies. We have included information on recent scientific discoveries and theories in behavioral neuroscience, which help to illuminate how addictive substances and behaviors affect the brain and the impact of these effects on behavior.
The Handbook of Drugs and SocietyThis handbook provides a comprehensive examination of the past and present roles of drugs in society with a focus on theory, research, policy, and practice.
A Handbook on Drug and Alcohol Abuse : the Biomedical AspectsThis comprehensive text on the pharmacological, medical, and legal aspects of drug abuse has been thoroughly updated, and a new chapter on club drugs added. The chapter on medical effects has been completely rewritten to focus on infections that develop in i.v. drug abusers, and the chapter on drug abuse and the law now extends to the international regulation of drug use.
Cochrane Handbook of Alcohol and Drug MisuseAddiction to drugs and alcohol is an increasing problem that all clinicians have to deal with. This Cochrane Handbook of Alcohol and Drug Misuse serves as a concise guide to the evidence base for relevant interventions, highlighting the key points of Cochrane reviews for the busy practitioner. It covers a wide range of pharmacological and psychosocial treatments for opioid, alcohol, cocaine and other stimulant and drug misuse, offering comprehensive coverage of interventions for drug and alcohol addiction.
Addictions: A Comprehensive GuidebookIn the 14 years since the first edition of Addictions was published, a wealth of substantive and crucial new findings have been added to our knowledge of alcohol and other substance use disorders. This primary reference has now been updated and expanded to include 38 chapters, all completely rewritten to reflect new knowledge gained about the science of alcohol and other drugs, as well as new treatment approaches and research trends.
Prescription Drug Abuse: A Reference HandbookThis book provides readers with information about the specific health effects that can result from using certain types of medical chemicals, particularly opioid analgesics, stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogenics; explains the most important factors that have led to the growth of prescription drug problems; and reviews the current status of the issue in the United States and other nations