Log into Bloomberg: The login information is next to the Bloomberg Terminal in the Pardee Library.
Open Microsoft Excel: Click on start -> Programs -> Microsoft Excel
Launch Bloomberg Data Wizard: Click on Bloomberg -> choose import data -> click on 'Historical End of Day'
For a particular corn futures contract, type the ticker symbol for one of the corn future contracts.
Select Comdty from the Market Sector drop-down menu.
Double click on C K0 to select the futures contract.
Click on the Next> button at the bottom of the search box.
Type Last Price in the Search Text box and click on the Search button.
Double click on Last Price PX_Last.
Click on the Next>button.
Select the date range. Click on the Next> button.
Click on the Next> button.
Click on the Next> button.
Click on the Finish button
Historical prices for the corn futures contract will be downloaded into Excel.