O Apostolado [Portuguese]
Local Catholic paper, Conferéncia Episcopal de Angola e S. Tomé – CEAST. (Luanda). [currently unavailable online, March 2, 2022]
AngoNoticias [Portuguese]
Current news. Archives, searchable from 2004. (Luanda, Lisbon).
Cabinda Digital [Portuguese]
Journal for the Portuguese speaking nations. Archives not listed but searchable, from 2004. (Braga, Portugal). [currently unavailable online, March 2, 2022]
Inside Angola [English]
Country specific news. Free sign-up subscription offered. [currently unavailable online, March 2, 2022]
Maka Angola [Portuguese & English]
Funded and directed by Angolan journalist and human rights defender; the website is focused on investigating government corruption and abuses -particularly in the diamond industry.
Notícias Lusófonas [Portuguese]
Carries news on politics, economy, crime, sport, and articles of opinion. Searchable. (Lisbon, Redacão no Huambo – Angola).
Radio Nacional de Angola[Portuguese]
Public broadcaster. News, discussions, photos. Information includes frequencies broadcast, broadcast timetables and emission power data. Searchable. (Luanda).