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WR150: The Civil War: Experience and Meaning

Exhibit Sources: Newspapers


Andersonville Article

Article on Confederate treatment of prisoners from New York Times, October 2, 1864 (via ProQuest Historical Newspapers database)

Andersonville Article

Article on Andersonville prison from the Charleston Mercury, August 26, 1864 (via Accessible Archives database) 

The Civil War (in American History 1493-1945: AM Explorer)

Regulation for the government of Negores and plantations

Regulations for the government of Negroes and plantation. 3 February 1864, GLC08446, © The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History (Via American History, 1493-1945)

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  1. Change the drop-down menu in the first line of search form from "Keywords anywhere" to "Subjects" and enter "Civil War" in quotation marks as show below.
    AM Explorer search form
  2. Add additional search terms in other lines and click the Search button, or just click Search and refine your search after.
  3. Once you have a set of search results, you can limit it to particular document types or click refine search to add or change terms in the Advanced Search form.
    Altering search results

The Civil War (in Medical Services and War: AM Explorer)

[Reports sent from Decatur, Georgia], 1 Oct 1863 - 6 Jul 1864, © Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin

[Reports sent from Decatur, Georgia], 1 Oct 1863 - 6 Jul 1864, © Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin (Via Medical Services and Warfare Collection database)

Here's how to search this collection:

  1. Change the drop-down menu in the first line of the search form from "Keywords anywhere" to "Conflict" and enter "AmericanCivil War" in quotation marks as show below.
    Advanced search form
  2. Add additional search terms in other lines and click the Search button, or just click Search and refine your search after.
  3. Once you have a set of search results, you can limit it to particular document types or theme from the menus to the left of the results and clicking on "Apply".



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Donald Altschiller
Mugar Memorial Library
Subjects: History, Religion