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Systematic Searching for Health Science Research

Tips for Advanced Searching

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  1. Check the references of relevant articles: It is always helpful to scan the cited references of at least a few of the papers that are particularly relevant to your search. Do the author(s) cite any sources that your search missed? If so, what are some of the controlled vocabulary/keywords for these articles? Can you add these terms to your own search?
  2. Do a cited references search: Select a few articles from your search to see who else cites them. This will help ensure that you have the most current information as possible. You can do a cited reference search in Google Scholar or Web of Science.

Suggested Article

Salvador-Oliván, José Antonio, Marco-Cuenca, Gonzalo, & Arquero-Avilés, Rosario. (2019). Errors in search strategies used in systematic reviews and their effects on information retrieval. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 107(2), 210-221.

Health Sciences Librarian

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Kate Silfen
Mugar Memorial Library