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BU London Library Resources: Student's Blackboard

Blackboard at BU London

Similar to many universities, here at BU London you will need to engage with Blackboard for the majority of your academic activity during your course. This page contains a series of how-to guides and links to content to help you navigate Blackboard. This should be especially helpful if you are with us from another university, since our use of Blackboard will probably differ from your previous experience.

The Blackboard App

The app is a very convenient way to use Blackboard from your personal device, so please ensure you download this for the duration of your London course, as you may need to use this in your classes. Below is a brief video introducing the app.

Blackboard has a useful help page for the app which covers all aspects of using this. Click into the image below to access the page:

Finding your courses in Blackboard

This section will show you how your find your course space within Blackboard. Your course space will contain all the materials you need to engage with, such as the syllabus, readings and so on. Click into the image below to access the help page.

Checking your grades in Blackboard

Your all important grades will be shown to you within Blackboard. Below is a brief video showing you how to find this section of Blackboard.

In addition to the video, Blackboard has provided step-by-step written instructions on access your grade information, click in the image below to access the page.