is a technical standard used for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for implementing tokens.
COINS are digital assets native to a particular blockchain and defined by the network protocol.
TOKENS are digital assets defined by a project or smart contract and built on a specific blockchain.
Token can be UTILITY TOKENS or SECURITY TOKENS. UTILITY TOKENS are also called consumer or incentive tokens. UTILITY TOKENS are sold as part of a fund development and can be used as part of a network or project e.g. loyalty programs. SECURITY TOKENS are considered an investment contract and are subject to SEC regulations in the US. The Howey Test is used to determine if a token is a SECURITY TOKEN.
CoinMarketCap lists Coins and Tokens.
Etherscan- Ethereum Block Explorer Tokens
TokenData Token status, sales, analytics
BLOCK #0 The first Bitcoin block, called the Genesis Block was mined in January 3, 2009.
Use BLOCKEXPLORER to watch the latest blocks as they are mined.
Bitcoin miners use powerful processors and a secure hashing algorithm to generate hash output numbers until they find a number smaller than the current difficulty target. New blocks are found approximately every 10 minutes and the difficulty adjusts automatically approximately every 14 days. Miners send new blocks to other nodes on the network for validation. New blocks are added to the longest chain. Miners are paid a reward for new blocks. The reward is based on a concept called Proof-of-Work. The current reward for new Bitcoin blocks is 12.5 bitcoins. The reward is reduced by half every 4 years. The total number of Bitcoins is expected to be 21 million predicted to occur in 2024. Miners are also paid fees for the transactions included in each block. Proof-of-Stake and other consensus algorithms or variations on existing algorithms are being used or are being developed as alternatives to proof-of-work. | crypto coins mining profit calculator
What is My Hashrate? view your computer's hash rate
Miners can be individuals, pools or large industrial operations. Many are located where electricity is less expensive or subsidized.
Genesis Mining (Iceland)
AntPool Cryptocurrency mining platform
SlushPool Bitcoin mining pool
Why the Biggest Bitcoin Mines Are in China IEEE Spectrum 2017