When software engineering meets quantum computing.
Communications of the ACM April 2022
This Guide includes resources for beginning research and more advanced topics in the physics, engineering and computing aspects of Quantum Computing. Find information about industry leaders and projects and research at Boston University.
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ENGINEERING and PHYSICS Engineering Village IEEE Xplore Digital Library more... |
COMPUTING arxiv. org ACM Digital Library more... |
BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Business Source Complete ABInform Complete more... |
QUBITS - SUPERPOSITION - ENTANGLEMENT - CORRELATION - COHERENCE QUANTUM COMPUTING works with subatomic particles called QUBITS (quantum bits) Qubits can represent 0 or 1 or both simultaneously – in a state called SUPERPOSITION |0> or |1> or SUPERPOSITION Qubits in superposition can become ENTANGLED. Entanglement is an extremely strong CORRELATION that exists between quantum particles. As the number of entangled qubits increases the number of correlations grows exponentially. Entanglement and correlation allow multiple states to be acted on simultaneously For n qubits there are 2n correlations This is what gives quantum computing its unprecedented speed, capacity and world changing computing potential. COHERENCE is the force that allows quantum particles to perform together. Factors in the environment like heat and even observation can cause quantum computers to loose stability over time. Existing quantum computers use cold and carefully controlled environments to prevent DECOHERENCE. |