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New and Featured Books at Pardee Library


Are you looking for a book to read? In this guide you will find a selection of new books that were added to the Pardee Library collection over the past few months, both in print and as eBooks.
The print books can be found on the 3rd floor of Pardee Library on the Book Display shelves, near the front entrance and in the Periodicals area. You are welcome to browse the print books and borrow whichever books you like, by checking them out at the Services Desk. Books currently on display can also be borrowed. Click on the book titles or jacket images for more details about each book and to see if they are currently available to borrow.

If you want to look up a book by subject or title, use the advanced search feature of BU Libraries Search to find books or eBooks on the topic of your choice. Enter your search terms into the search box and select "Books/eBooks" as the material type.

Black History Month

February is Black History Month, a time to acknowledge and celebrate the rich and varied lives that make up Black American History. For this list, we're spotlighting some of the most fascinating and inspiring stories of Black Americans in business available at Pardee. These histories honor people who demonstrated resilience in the face of injustice, broke glass ceilings and blazed new trails. Their stories are relevant any month of the year, and the lessons they teach carry lasting relevance to the present day.

Featured Reading: Black History Month

Book cover.

From Willard Straight to Wall Street: A Memoir

Location: Online

Thomas W. Jones tells his story as a campus revolutionary who led an armed revolt at Cornell University in 1969 and then altered his course over the next fifty years to become a powerful leader in the financial industry including high-level positions at John Hancock, TIAA-CREF and Citigroup as Wall Street plunged into its darkest hour. From Willard Straight to Wall Street provides a front row seat to the author's triumphs and struggles as he lives one of the most interesting American stories of the last half-century.

Book cover.

The Real Pepsi Challenge: The Inspirational Story of Breaking the Color Barrier in American Business

Location: Pardee Library Book Display

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, a group of African American businessmen changed the face of American business by being among the first Black Americans to work at professional jobs in Corporate America and to target Black consumers as a distinct market. On one level, this is a straightforward business book about the birth of niche marketing. But, as we quickly learn, it is a truly inspirational story, recalling a time when we as a nation first learned to see the strength of our diversity.

Book cover.

No Right to an Honest Living: The Struggles of Boston's Black Workers in the Civil War Era

Location: Online
Before, during, and after the US Civil War, Boston's Black workers were barred from the skilled trades, factory work, and public-works projects. In Boston, as in cities across the North, white abolitionists focused virtually all their energies on the plight of enslaved Black Southerners, while refusing to address the challenges faced by their Black neighbors. The author presents inspiring and heart-wrenching stories of people-from day laborers and domestics to physicians and lawyers-who ingeniously forged careers in the face of monumental obstacles.

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Basilio Serna
Pardee Library
595 Commonwealth Ave.,
Boston, MA 02215

Assistant Head, Information Services

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Kathleen Berger
Room 318E
Pardee Library

Assistant Head, Access Services

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Brock Edmunds
Room 318D
Pardee Library
(617) 353-4311