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Materials Science and Engineering

Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)

The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects.

Citing Your Sources

Proper citation is an essential aspect of scholarship. Citing properly allows your reader or audience to locate the materials you have used. Most importantly, citations give credit to the authors of quoted or consulted information.

For detailed instructions on how to cite within the text of your paper, please consult a style manual..

BU Libraries recommend  RefWorks as a tool to manage citations. Accounts are free for the BU community, and most importantly RefWorks can automatically create a bibliography in hundreds of styles. Here are some options:

Some Engineering Publication Styles/Author Guidelines

Most Engineering Societies and many journals have Instructions for Author or Author Guidelines on their websites and in their publications.

IEEE EDITORIAL STYLE MANUAL-  Citation style guidelines from the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ASME: References Citation style for Mechanical Engineering from the American Society for Mechanical Engineers

Communications of the ACM: Author Guidelines Citation style for computer science and computer engineering from the Association for Computing Machinery

CSE (Council of Science Editors) Style

Scientific Style and Format

Quick Guide

Citing Your Sources: CSE (Council of Science Editors) Style
Style Manual Committee, Council of Science Editors.
8th ed. Cambridge University Press, 2014
Location: Science & Engineering Library T11.S386 2014 

See Chapter 30: Citations and References pages 617-676 
Citing electronic sources pages 665-669
