Data, reports, and research provide valuable insights into family business trends, performance, and challenges. They help support strategic planning, highlight best practices, and facilitate informed decision-making for effective management and growth.
The 2024 Family Business Survey by First Bank highlights market expansion, structured succession planning, generational differences in motivations, and an optimistic future outlook.
Credit Suisse partnered with top academic institutions, resulting in a series of White Papers offering insights, case studies, and guidelines on family business.
This paper from Small Business Economics reviews the evolution of family business research from 2012–2022, analyzing 4,064 articles, identifying trends, key authors, and future research gaps.
Examines family involvement in global entrepreneurship, highlighting the prevalence of family-managed businesses, the support they receive, and the unique challenges they face.
NYPL guide to help genealogy researchers discover information about a defunct family-owned business or ancestor's occupation, but may be useful to researchers looking for historic business information.
Highlights the rise of stakeholder capitalism and its alignment with family businesses' long-term focus. It emphasizes sustainability as a driver for growth and a competitive edge, suggesting many family businesses are already on this path.
Includes several lists of the top 10 largest family businesses by location. Enter "family business" in the Search within Publication box to view lists.
The NFIB Optimism Index measures small business owners' confidence and outlook on economic conditions, providing insights into trends and challenges facing the sector.
Brightstar Capital Partners and Campden Wealth's 2023 report surveyed 100+ family businesses, highlighting concerns like succession planning, family conflict, technology, and governance.
Published annually, the Texas State University Family Business Research Productivity Ranking provides insight into the universities and scholars at the forefront of family business research.