Use the following databases to help you find the latest company news, competition, corporate structure & subsidiaries, financials, history & mission, management team, products & services, and SWOT analysis. For more company information see Company Information Sources.
MarketLine (formerly Datamonitor) Company Profiles provide profiles of companies worldwide. Each profile includes a business description, company history, key employees, major products/services and competitors. Many of the profiles contain a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis. To locate company profile, browse alphabetical list of company profiles or type company name into Browse For search box and click on Browse button. Available through Business Source Complete.
In-depth company information and financials for international public companies. Allows you to export financials into Excel and create company comparisons using ratios and other financial metrics. Good source for annual reports and company 10K’s. Provides access to research reports written by analysts at leading investment banks, brokerage houses and consulting firms. Click on the Investext tab to access the analyst reports.
Provides worldwide full text access to local and regional newspapers, trade publications, business newswires, press release wires, media transcripts, news photos, business-rich websites, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, historical market data.
ProQuest One Business combines multiple ProQuest business information databases including ABI-Inform, Accounting, Tax & Banking and Entrepreneurship and contains more than 130 million documents. Content in this database also covers over 2,400 journals and magazines, several hundred news sources, thousands of ebooks, videos and company, industry and country reports.
Nexis Uni is a source for newspapers and magazines, trade journals, wire services and transcripts, as well as legal sources for federal and state cases and statutes, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1790, and information on U.S. and international companies and executives.
* For more information, see Company and Industry Information Sources. See also, Career: How to Analyze Your Industry.
Company Information Sources
Industry Information Sources
Apparel, Fashion & Textiles
Biotech, Pharma, & MedTech
Energy & GreenTech
Entertainment & Media
Finance & Investing
Fitness, Recreation & Sports
Health Management
Information Technology
International Business
Marketing & Advertising
Nonprofit & Public Sector
Retail & eCommerce
Restaurant, Food & Beverage
Technology & Innovation
Toys & Games