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BU Libraries Search

BU Libraries Search: BU Libraries Search provides a single place to search for a wide variety of research material provided by the library. Resources covered by the search includes books and eBooks, journals, and more.


The publisher Edward Elgar has a lengthy series of guidebooks on migration which include research methods, asylum and refugee policy, and migration and aging. A full list is available here, and the majority are available when searching the title in BU Libraries. 


Migration and Immigration Databases

  • Trends and Policy: U.S. Immigration: Documents, from 1790-present, include U.S. immigration laws and other content from the legislative branch, reports and statistics from the executive and judicial branches and news content to provide additional information and context. Statistics from many reports have been extracted and converted into CSV and Excel tables.
  • Immigration Records of the INS (1880-1930): Covers the investigations made by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) during the massive immigration wave of 1880-1930, especially among Japanese and Chinese communities.
  • Opposing Viewpoints: Opposing Viewpoints helps students research, analyze and organize a broad variety of data for conducting research, completing writing assignments, preparing for debates, creating presentations and more.
  • Latino Civil Rights during the Carter Administration: Major topics covered in this collection include inflation, bilingual education, police brutality, political unrest in Latin America, Haitian refugees, and immigration (legal and otherwise), Puerto Rican self-determination, and the U.S. Navy’s use of Vieques Island. 

Searching Across Disciplines
