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Business Tutorial: Factiva

Trade Publication Search in Factiva (Default)

1. Enter the industry you want to research in the search bar - in this case, Technology.

The word "Technology" in a search bar.
2. This will bring you to the Industry News page.

Factiva's landing page for technology-related news.

3. Apply Filters as needed.

Red circles identify "Relevance", "Last Three Months", and other adjustable filters.

Trade Publication Search in Factiva (Old)

1. Go to the Source filter.

Purple square identifies "Source" option.

2. Under Select Source Category, choose By Industry.

Purple arrow points to "By Industry" option.

3. This will generate a list of industries. Click the blue triangle icon to select the industry relevant to your research. This will cause the subject code to populate in the search box.

A purple arrow points to the option "Technology". Above, a purple circle identifies the subject code in the search bar.

4.  Select the date range. Then click Search.

A purple circle identifies the "Search" button.

Assistant Head, Information Services

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Kathleen Berger
Room 318E
Pardee Library