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Business Tutorial: Vivvix (formerly Ad$pender)

Running reports on ad spending for a brand or product on Vivvix (Ad$pender).

Creating a Custom Report for a Brand or Product

When you are done using Vivvix, please log out. There are a limited number of users who can use this database at one time.

When you load Vivvix, you will see several different features, including the ability to view advertising spending trends by industry, and past custom reports run by other BU users.

Step 1. To start a custom search, click on the "New" icon in the top right corner of the Custom Reporting box. This will open the report builder, from which you can choose the elements in your report.

Step 2. Profile: You do not need to select the BU profile, leave this box with “None” selected.

Step 3. Media/Markets: (skip Layout for now, we will come back to that later.) Here you can select the specific type of media and markets you are analyzing by checking their boxes. To analyze all media and markets for a certain brand/product, leave everything blank.

Step 4. Brands/Categories: Before searching for a brand or product, make sure all brand levels are checked off. 

4a. Search for a brand or product. If searching for a product, be as specific as possible.

4b. You may see multiple results for your search, pay attention to how each result is categorized. In our example, “Barbie” returned 231 results, but we are only interested in the brand, not all of the products that are sold under that brand.

4c. Select the result(s) you wish to analyze, and click add.

Step 5. Time Periods: Select the time frame you are analyzing in campaigns, months, quarters, or years, then click the add button to add this range to your report.

5a. Keep in mind the current year is not complete, and therefore not all data will be available. If you wish to see what information there is from the current time period of your choice, uncheck the box labeled “Only include time periods for which complete data is available”. Be aware this may limit the number of media sources being analyzed.

Step 6. Layout: This is where we can select what data we want to see, and how that data is categorized. As we only selected one brand in this example, I am only selecting Brand from the product sorts. I want to see how this brand’s advertising spending is categorized across different media formats, so I will check media in the Media/Time category. This is also where you can see how spending is spread between different markets, languages, etc. Depending on how broad your search is (a whole brand or industry vs. one specific product) a spending breakdown may not exist for each of these categories.

Step 7. Summary: Don’t forget to double check your report settings, components, and title in the summary tab prior to running.

Step 8. Run your report by clicking the blue “Run” button in the top right corner.

Step 9. View your report either by clicking the “report results” link which will appear as a pop-up at the top of the screen, or by returning to the home page and looking in the Custom Reporting box from step 1.

Step 10. Save your report. The report may take several minutes to generate. Wait until the status of your report is “complete”, and then you may view/download your report as a PDF or Excel spreadsheet.

This is our example report. You can see that the advertising spending is broken down into different types of media, and separated into columns by year as we indicated in the Layout screen.

When you are done, please remember to log out (click the three lines in the upper right).

Assistant Head, Information Services

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Kathleen Berger
Room 318E
Pardee Library