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Physical Therapy

a guide for physical therapy students, faculty members, and researchers

Services for Graduate Students


This guide is geared towards BU students & faculty who are researching physical therapy topics. Please contact me using the information on the right if I can offer you any research assistance. I am glad to meet in-person, chat online, or answer any questions you have over e-mail to assist you with any or all of the following:

  • identifying the best databases for your research question.
  • using effective keywords to find the help you maximize the amount of research you find.
  • focusing in on research that informs evidence-based practice.
  • tracking down health-related data or statistics.
  • using citation tools such as RefWorks, Mendeley, or Zotero.
  • finding information on health-related tests or questionnaires.
  • recommending journals for your own publications.
  • getting the full-text of an article.

Reference Sources

Health Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Kate Silfen
Mugar Memorial Library