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eHRAF World Cultures (eHRAF)

How to Use HRAF Microfiche

The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), a microfiche collection of information on more than 330 different ethnic, cultural, religious, and national groups worldwide, is used by social scientists and students studying a particular culture or cultural trait or for making cross-cultural analyses. Included are more than 750,000 pages of text from books, articles, and unpublished manuscripts as well as English translations of foreign texts available exclusively in HRAF. In 1937, under the direction of Professor George Peter Murdock, researchers at Yale’s Institute of Human Relations began to design a classification system for organizing cultural, behavioral, and background information on a society. Out of this Cross-Cultural Survey came the Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM), a universal topical classification scheme categorizing human activity into more than 700 categories, such as “settlement patterns” and “serfdom and peonage.” This system was used extensively by the government during World War II to classify information on modern societies.

Outline of Cultural Materials. 5th ed. 1982.

Subject index to HRAF. Assigns a numerical designation to more than 700 categories of human culture. Used in conjunction with the Outline of World Cultures to locate information in HRAF on cultural traits of particular groups. Mugar Micro X Z5111 M86 1982M. HRAF also has an online edition of the Outline of Cultural Materials.

The OCM uses a three-digit code to assign subject categories to cultural traits. For example, the OCM codes for “settlement patterns” and “serfdom and peonage” are 361 and 567, respectively.

HRAF materials are arranged by culture. All texts containing information about a particular culture (e.g., Amish, Hausa) are grouped together. Each culture collection is identified by an alphanumeric code according to the Outline of World Cultures (OWC).

Outline of World Cultures. 6th ed. 1983.

Classifies all known cultures of the world by geographic region. Assigns alphanumeric designations to cultural groups. Mugar Micro X Z5111 M87 1983. HRAF also has an online Outline of World Cultures.

In the OWC, cultures are classified according to geographical regions:

  • A=Asia
  • E=Europe
  • F=Africa
  • M=Middle East (including Muslim societies in Africa)
  • N=North America
  • O=Oceania
  • R=Russia (cultures located in the former Soviet Union and Russia)
  • S=South America

In the examples given above, the OWC codes for Amish and Hausa are NM6 and MS12, respectively.

How to use HRAF

  1. Locate your topic in the index of the Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM). Note the corresponding 3-digit category number (for example, 593 for family relationships). Check the category description in the text of the OCM to make sure that the category you have selected covers the topic in which you are interested.
  2. Locate your culture in the Outline of World Cultures (OWC). Note the letter/number code (OWC code) for that culture (for example, NT17 for Taos). To see whether files are available for that culture, check the list of “Human Relations Area Files Available” at the end of this research guide. Only about ten percent of the cultures listed in the OWC are covered in the HRAF archive.
  3. Go to the HRAF microfiche files and find the set of microfiche on your culture. [In Mugar Memorial Library these are housed in the Current Periodicals Room.] Files are arranged in the same order as they are in “Human Relations Area Files Available” (alphanumerically by OWC code). The name and OWC code for the culture appears in the header of each fiche.
  4. Find the fiche containing the information on your topic. Subject category numbers are on the upper left corner of each fiche. Categories are arranged in numerical order within each file.
  5. Looking at the fiche, you will notice “flashers,” eye-readable category numbers that tell you where each new category begins. Each category contains pages of text from books and articles on your culture. In the sample following, all information on Taos (NT17) family relationships (OCM code 593) will be found after the 593 flasher.Image of HRAF microfiche.
  6. Center the first page in your category on the microfiche reader screen. Only the pages containing information on the topic within your category are located in that category; do not expect to find entire articles or books. Each page is identified by a “source number” (each book or article is a source), followed by the author’s name, both located on the upper left corner of each page. This is followed by a code letter indicating author’s training (see key, below), a code number indicating source evaluation (see key, below), and other information. See page identification key, below.

Author Training Key:

  • A. Archaeologist, Antiquarian
  • B. Folklorist
  • C. Technical Personnel
  • D. Physician, Physical Anthropologist
  • E. Ethnologist
  • F. Foreign Resident
  • G. Government Official
  • H. Historian
  • I. Indigene
  • J. Journalist
  • K. Geographer
  • L. Linguist
  • M. Missionary, Clergy
  • N. Natural Scientist
  • O. Lawyer
  • P. Psychologist
  • Q. Humanist, Writer, Editor
  • R. Artisan
  • S. Social Scientist, other than designated
  • T. Traveler
  • U. Unknown
  • V. Political Scientist
  • W. Organizational Documents
  • X. Economist, Manager
  • Y. Educator
  • Z. Sociologist

Source Evaluation Key:

(An indication of the quality of the information)

  • 1=Poor source
  • 2=Fair source
  • 3=Good, useful source, but not uniformly excellent
  • 4=Excellent secondary data such as compilations or interpretations based on primary data
  • 5=Excellent primary data such as traveler’s accounts, ethnographies, legal documents, autobiographies, etc.

Sample Page with Identification Key

Sample Page (partial page):
Image of sample page of HRAF microfiche.

  • Source No.: 20
  • Author: Beals & Siegel
  • Author Training- Source Evaluation: E-5
  • Date of Fieldwork: (no date)
  • Date of Publication: 1966
  • OWC Code: NT17
  • Name of Culture: Taos Taos
  • OWC Code: NT17

Bibliographic information on sources used in the Human Relations Area Files:

  • OCM category 111 contains a full bibliographic reference for all sources processed for a given file, arranged numerically by source number. Full citations to all documents included in the HRAF can be found in:
    HRAF Source Bibliography: Cumulative. 1976 -

    Citations to all documents in the HRAF are organized by cultural unit and are updated annually. Arranged in alphanumeric sequence by OWC code. Mugar Micro X Z5111 F69 1976M.

  • OCM category 112 contains bibliographical information on sources consulted by HRAF staff but not processed for that file.
  • OCM category 113 contains bibliographical information that appears in texts included in the file, such as footnotes, endnotes or reference lists.
  • OCM category 116 contains copies of entire texts (e.g., books, articles, manuscripts) processed for the file. It is especially useful if one wishes to see the entire document from which a given page has been taken. Because of copyright restrictions, not all documents will be found here.

For more detailed information on using the HRAF files, consult:

Instructor’s and Librarian’s Guide to the HRAF Archive. 1988.

This guide explains the organization of the HRAF archives, the microfiche files, and individual file pages. Discusses documentation, quality of the information. Includes a step-by-step guide to using the files. Mugar Micro X Z5111 L48 1988.

Guide to Cross-Cultural Research Using the HRAF Archive. 1988.

A step-by-step guide to using the HRAF archives to conduct cross-cultural research. Mugar Micro X Z5111 E42 1988.

Selective bibliography on the Human Relations Area Files:

  • Barry, Herbert III. Accessibility and Enrichment of Ethnographic Information in the Human Relations Area Files. In Growth and Progress in Cross-Cultural Psychology: Selected Papers from the Eighth International Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology held at Istanbul, Turkey, July 6-10, 1986, edited by Çigdem Kagitçibasi, pp. 368-378. Berwyn: Swets North America; Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1987.
  • Clarke, Jack A. and David Henige. The Human Relations Area Files: Two Perspectives. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 3 (summer 1984): 45-52.
  • Ember, Melvin. The Human Relations Area Files: Past and Future. Behavior Science Research 22 (1988): 97-104.
  • Ember, Melvin. Evolution of the Human Relations Area Files. Cross-Cultural Research 31 (February 1997): 3-15.
  • Goodenough, Ward H. Murdock as Bridge: From Sumner to HRAF to SCCR. Cross-Cultural Research 30 (August 1996): 275-280.
  • Kibbee, Jo. Ethnic Research and the Human Relations Area Files. Ethnic Forum 7 (1987): 18-25.
  • Levinson, David. The Human Relations Area Files. Reference Services Review 17 (fall 1989): 83-86, 90.
  • Martin, M. Marlene. Women in the HRAF Files: A Consideration of Ethnographer Bias. Behavior Science Research 13 (1978): 303-311.
  • Minturn, Leigh. Using HRAF Data for Supplemental Analysis. In Growth and Progress in Cross-Cultural Psychology: Selected Papers from the Eighth International Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology held at Istanbul, Turkey, July 6-10, 1986, edited by Çigdem Kagitçibasi, pp. 379-384. Berwyn: Swets North America; Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1987.
  • Tobin, Joseph. HRAF as Radical Text? Cultural Anthropology 5 (November 1990): 473-487.


OWC Code Name of File Dates of Coverage No. of Sources No. of Text Pages
FA8 Bambara 1900-1950 4 1,127
FA16 Dogon 1925-1970 23 4,645
FA28 Mossi 1900-1955 12 942
FC7 Mende 1910-1950 8 605
FD6 Kpelle 1910-1975 30 3,700
FE11 Tallensi 1920-1950 10 954
FE12 Twi 1895-1950 27 3,523
FF26 Igbo 1900-1970 36 8,488
FF38 Katab 1920-1950 4 252
FF52 Nupe 1910-1950 9 858
FF57 Tiv 1910-1960 30 2,891
FF62 Yoruba 1900-1950 45 1,637
FH9 Fang 1900-1950 8 1,117
FJ22 Nuer 1925-1950 16 1,541
FJ23 Shilluk 1900-1950 29 1,073
FK7 Ganda 1900-1960 16 2,261
FL6 Dorobo 1900-1950 14 354
FL10 Kikuyu 1900-1950 9 1,950
FL11 Luo 1900-1950 21 463
FL12 Masai 1880-1960 19 2,095
FL17 Turkana 1900-1980 23 4,128
FL19 Nairobi 1945-1975 46 4,115
FN4 Chagga 1890-1950 6 1,986
FN17 Ngonde 1920-1950 14 1,474
FO4 Pygmies 1930-1960 4 1,285
FO7 Azande 1860-1950 68 3,264
FO32 Mongo 1910-1950 9 773
FO42 Rundi 1910-1955 10 1,314
FP13 Mbundu 1895-1955 6 847
FQ5 Bemba 1925-1940 10 830
FQ6 Ila 1910-1940 6 998
FQ9 Lozi 1920-1960 10 1,635
FQ12 Tonga 1950-1970 11 1,616
FR5 Ngoni 1900-1950 14 1,123
FS5 Shona 1600-1980 23 5,698
FT6 Thonga 1920-1954 3 1,231
FT7 Yao 1900-1950 11 555
FX10 San 1900-1980 44 6,786
FX13 Hottentot 1900-1920 14 1,359
FX14 Lovedu 1930-1950 5 455
FX20 Zulu 1850-1970 45 8,067
FY8 Tanala 1925 1 334


OWC Code Name of File Dates of Coverage No. of Sources No. of Text Pages
AA1 Korea 1850-1950 58 6,148
AB6 Ainu 1870-1960 11 1,573
AB43 Okayama 0500-1969 30 3,532
AC7 Okinawa 1945-1955 3 817
AD1 Formosa 1850-1950 40 1,836
AD4 Formosan Aborigines 1880-1950 -- --
AD5 Tawain Hokkien 1950-1975 71 8,655
AE3 Sino-Tibetan Border 1920-1940 7 529
AE4 Lolo 1910-1940 5 564
AE5 Miao 1900-1940 12 1,282
AE9 Monguor 1920-1940 5 1,221
AF1 China 1900-1950 80 19,442
AF12 North China 1920-1950 8 2,595
AF13 Northwest China 1910-1950 3 1,299
AF14 Central China 1920-1950 2 1,130
AF15 East China 1920-1950 3 1,384
AF16 Southwest China 1900-1950 7 2,800
AF17 South China 1900-1950 8 1,846
AG1 Manchuria 1900-1950 7 1,820
AH1 Mongolia 1920-1950 9 1,358
AH6 Inner Mongolia 1900-1950 13 1,840
AH7 Outer Mongolia 1900-1950 4 2,821
AI1 Sinkiang 1920-1950 3 860
AJ1 Tibet 1880-1950 26 6,313
AJ4 West Tibetans 1850-1950 22 1,905
AK5 Lepcha 1930-1950 11 1,038
AK6 Sherpa 1953-1988 13 2,968
AL1 Southeast Asia 1850-1950 22 3,851
AM1 Indochina 1850-1950 153 19,633
AM4 Cambodia 1850-1950 -- --
AM8 Laos 1850-1950 -- --
AM11 Vietnam 1850-1950 -- --
AN1 Malaya 1880-1950 193 10,142
AN5 Malays 1880-1950 -- --
AN6 Senoi 1950-1980 25 4,640
AN7 Semang 1920-1940 3 786
AO1 Thailand 1890-1950 40 6,114
AO7 Central Thai 1910-1978 54 11,086
AP1 Burma 1850-1950 31 4,680
AP4 Burmese 1850-1950 -- --
AP6 Kachin 1900-1950 -- --
AP7 Karen 1900-1950 -- --
AR5 Garo 1870-1960 9 1,169
AR7 Khasi 1870-1960 21 998
AU1 Afghanistan 1870-1950 74 6,234
AU4 Pashtun 1860-1975 20 2,188
AV1 Kashmir 1870-1950 6 2,006
AV3 Dard 1865-1920 4 711
AV4 Kashmiri 1890-1950 5 893
AV7 Burusho 1930-1960 8 2,157
AW1 India 1850-1950 41 14,980
AW2 Bihar 1880 1 619
AW5 Coorg 1870-1950 4 802
AW6 East Panjab 1920-1950 3 1,106
AW7 Gujarati 1920-1945 4 627
AW11 Kerala 1900-1950 13 989
AW16 Tamil 1950-1970 41 8,974
AW17 Telugu 1950 1 265
AW19 Uttar Pradesh 1920-1950 4 255
AW25 Bhil 1935-1950 7 1,069
AW32 Gond 1935-1950 4 1,552
AW37 Kol 1940 1 347
AW42 Santal 1935-1960 5 1,318
AW50 Badaga 1800-1960 9 1,129
AW60 Toda 1870-1935 13 1,553
AW66 Calcutta 1950-1970 64 5,811
AW69 Bengali 1500-1985 22 3,472
AX4 Sinhalese 1950-1970 8 1,984
AX5 Vedda 1860-1940 5 776
AZ2 Andamans 1900-1960 11 1,229


OWC Code Name of File Dates of Coverage No. of Sources No. of Text Pages
E1 Europe 1945-1950 9 1,599
E16 Slavic Peoples 1000-1950 7 903
EA1 Poland 1920-1950 31 3,940
EB1 Czechoslovakia 1920-1950 75 6,491
EC1 Hungary 1900-1950 16 1,401
ED1 Rumania 1920-1950 9 1,245
EE1 Bulgaria 1900-1950 7 998
EF1 Yugoslavia 1900-1950 13 2,765
EF6 Serbs 1900-1960 19 3,450
EG1 Albania 1880-1950 9 1,975
EH1 Greece 1935-1960 10 1,153
EH14 Sarakatsani 1955-1965 3 942
EI9 Imperial Romans 0001-0100 18 5,739
EK1 Austria 1920-1950 6 1,334
EO1 Finland 1900-1950 1 402
EP4 Lapps 1700-1960 16 3,284
ER6 Rural Irish 1890-1960 17 1,673
ES3 Georgian Britain 1714-1815 15 7,090
ES10 Highland Scots 1940-1980 24 4,071
ES13 Stuart Britain 1603-1714 24 5,839
ES14 Tudor Britain 1485-1603 10 3,459
EX8 Basques 1850-1983 18 5,800
EZ6 Malta 1910-1960 9 1,069

Middle East

OWC Code Name of File Dates of Coverage No. of Sources No. of Text Pages
M1 Middle East 1850-1950 72 13,908
MA1 Iran 1850-1950 72 7,000
MA11 Kurd 1890-1950 11 1,018
MB1 Turkey 1920-1960 14 1,493
MD1 Syria 1920-1950 11 1,395
MD4 Rwala 1910-1940 2 1,042
ME1 Lebanon 1835-1952 11 657
MG1 Jordan 1890-1952 22 3,358
MH1 Iraq 1900-1950 8 1,825
MI1 Kuwait 1930-1950 7 877
MJ1 Saudi Arabia 1900-1950 30 3,371
MJ4 Bedouin 1900-1950 -- --
MK2 Maritime Arabs 1930-1950 4 103
MK4 Trucial Oman 1930-1950 3 256
ML1 Yemen 1920-1956 14 446
MM1 Aden 1930-1952 8 683
MM2 Hadhramaut 1910-1950 23 765
MO4 Somali 1850-1965 31 2,194
MP5 Amhara 1770-1965 12 1,664
MR13 dFellahin 1870-1950 9 1,262
MR14 Siwans 1900-1930 7 518
MS12 Hausa 1800-1970 18 2,118
MS14 Kanuri 1950-1960 4 902
MS22 Teda 1870-1975 10 1,620
MS25 Tuareg 1900-1960 8 1,225
MS30 Wolof 1750-1965 46 2,026
MS37 Senegal 1900-1953 23 849
MT9 Libyan Bedouin 1920-1965 9 938
MW11 Shluh 1920-1950 4 1,321
MX3 Rif 1920-1960 7 1,076
MZ2 Bahrain 0750-1950 8 428

North America

OWC Code Name of File Dates of Coverage No. of Sources No. of Text Pages
N7 Chicano 1940-1980 34 7,371
N8 Gypsies-Rom 1940-1980 25 2,705
N9 North American Hmong 1976-1989 29 4,573
N10 Italian Americans 1850-1990 46 7,027
NA6 Aleut 1820-1960 70 2,253
NA10 South Alaska Eskimo 1780-1964 28 2,313
NA12 Tlingit 1890-1980 30 6,599
ND7 Chipewyan 1770-1976 21 2,879
ND8 Copper Eskimo 1900-1950 29 2,277
ND9 Hare 1900-1970 17 2,024
ND12 Nahane 1900-1950 7 758
NE6 Bellacoola 1890-1940 8 1,561
NE11 Nootka 1780-1950 19 1,547
NF6 Blackfoot 1835-1970 58 7,520
NG6 Ojibwa 1860-1950 26 4,354
NH6 Montagnais 1860-1960 35 2,388
NJ5 Micmac 1630-1950 8 1,016
NK4 American Blacks 1800-1985 37 10,057
NK5 Puerto Ricans-Mainland 1900-1990 36 4,842
NM6 Amish 1850-1980 19 6,049
NM7 Delaware 1650-1950 15 1,733
NM9 Iroquois 1650-1950 41 3,115
NN5 Mountain Whites 1900-1975 28 6,852
NN8 Cherokee 1850-1980 34 7,209
NN11 Creek 1750-1930 3 757
NN16 Seminole 1835-1980 35 5,169
NN23 Sea Islanders 1800-1988 11 2,502
NO6 Comanche 1786-1960 36 1,604
NP5 Fox 1830-1967 89 5,000
NP12 Winnebago 1860-1950 10 915
NQ6 Arapaho 1890-1960 29 2,639
NQ10 Crow 1860-1940 24 1,479
NQ12 Dhegiha 1820-1930 33 1,968
NQ13 Gros Ventre 1900-1940 8 1,085
NQ17 Mandan 1835-1950 10 1,297
NQ18 Pawnee 1850-1960 14 1,703
NR4 Plateau Indians 1880-1930 4 303
NR10 Klamath 1880-1960 9 1,617
NR13 Northern Paiute 1920-1950 15 910
NR19 Southeast Salish 1900-1930 7 945
NS18 Pomo 1870-1940 22 1,220
NS22 Tubatulabal 1910-1935 4 180
NS29 Yokuts 1820-1950 16 975
NS31 Yurok 1800-1940 13 1,101
NT8 Eastern Apache 1930-1940 4 589
NT9 Hopi 1800-1980 48 9,047
NT13 Navaho 1870-1980 232 22,058
NT14 Plateau Yumans 1880-1960 14 927
NT15 River Yumans 1850-1930 6 561
NT16 Southern Paiute 1870-1975 58 4,291
NT17 Taos 1680-1970 66 2,685
NT18 Tewa 1900-1950 15 1,274
NT19 Ute 1850-1970 47 5,454
NT20 Washo 1910-1960 9 521
NT21 Western Apache 1845-1975 53 6,114
NT22 Western Shoshone 1900-1970 26 1,884
NT23 Zuni 1880-1960 16 2,842
NT24 Mormons 1830-1970 69 9,776
NT25 Mescalero 1650-1975 45 3,089
NT26 Jicarilla 1540-1970 50 4,091
NT28 Mohave 1850-1970 63 3,544
NU7 Aztec 1520-1600 35 6,067
NU28 Papago 1920-1960 19 2,183
NU31 Seri 1880-1955 12 616
NU33 Tarahumara 1890-1960 13 2,055
NU34 Tarasco 1890-1960 11 655
NU37 Tepoztlan 1920-1950 5 859
NU44 Zapotec 1550-1970 29 5,098
NU54 Mexico, D.F. 1900-1975 23 5,423
NV9 Tzeltal 1920-1970 9 1,127
NV10 Yucatec Maya 1910-1940 11 1,870
NW8 Mam 1930-1965 14 1,818


OWC Code Name of File Dates of Coverage No. of Sources No. of Text Pages
OA1 Philippines 1900-1950 58 7,451
OA5 Apayo 1920-1950 -- --
OA14 Central Bisayan 1930-1950 -- --
OA19 Ifugao 1905-1965 29 2,973
OB1 Indonesia 1890-1950 18 4,367
OC6 Iban 1840-1970 18 1,655
OE5 Javanese 1850-1975 36 6,815
OF5 Alor 1935-1940 3 726
OF7 Bali 1930-1950 9 1,297
OF9 Flores 1900-1950 -- --
OG6 Makassar 1930-1945 1 379
OG11 Toradja 1920-1950 5 2,391
OH4 Ambon 1900-1950 -- --
OI8 Aranda 1890-1940 40 3,259
OI17 Murngin 1925-1950 15 1,731
OI19 Tasmanians 1800-1880 1 293
OI20 Tiwi 1900-1960 13 563
OJ13 Kwoma 1935-1938 2 501
OJ23 Orokaiva 1910-1970 27 2,263
OJ27 Wogeo 1930-1940 15 678
OJ29 Kapauku 1950-1955 5 869
OL6 Trobriands 1910-1950 24 2,991
OL7 Northeastern Massim 1900-1980 7 779
OM6 Manus 1928-1953 7 1,639
OM10 New Ireland 1925-1930 5 457
ON6 Buka 1890-1930 5 721
ON13 Santa Cruz 1900-1955 6 420
OO12 Malekula 1915-1935 3 883
OQ6 Lau 1910-1935 10 997
OR11 Marshalls 1810-1950 21 2,199
OR15 Belau 1914-1981 18 3,431
OR19 Truk 1900-1965 25 3,131
OR21 Woleai 1810-1950 41 2,665
OR22 Yap 1870-1970 21 1,951
OT11 Tikopia 1910-1960 26 2,727
OU8 Samoa 1800-1950 19 3,008
OU9 Tonga 1775-1970 105 8,364
OX6 Marquesas 1775-1955 13 1,163
OY2 Easter Islanders 1720-1950 15 960
OZ4 Maori 1900-1950 10 3,257
OZ11 Pukapuka 1900-1935 12 860


OWC Code Name of File Dates of Coverage No. of Sources No. of Text Pages
R1 Soviet Union 1910-1955 81 11,987
RB1 Baltic Countries 1920-1935 3 211
RB5 Lithuanians 1918-1940 11 990
RC1 Belorussia 1920-1950 5 191
RD1 Ukraine 1918-1950 20 2,219
RF1 Great Russia 1880-1950 4 386
RG4 Estonians 1900-1950 5 615
RH1 Caucasia 1900-1950 4 1,500
RI1 Georgia 1500-1935 5 759
RI3 Abkhaz 1850-1935 4 207
RL1 Turkestan 1850-1950 5 707
RL4 Turkic Peoples 1850-1915 1 235
RQ2 Kazak 1800-1950 6 919
RR1 Siberia 1900-1950 4 609
RU4 Samoyed 1800-1960 35 2,073
RV2 Yakut 1780-1930 32 933
RX2 Gilyak 1850-1930 13 2,281
RY2 Chukchee 1780-1930 21 2,191
RY3 Kamchadal 1750-1930 11 840
RY4 Koryak 1750-1950 5 810

South America

OWC Code Name of File Dates of Coverage No. of Sources No. of Text Pages
SA12 Garifuna 1945-1985 17 4,657
SA15 Mosquito 1920-1940 3 263
SA19 Talamanca 1763-1950 6 479
SB5 Cuna 1750-1940 34 3,932
SC7 Cagaba 1880-1950 7 1,134
SC13 Goajiro 1880-1955 10 724
SC15 Paez 1900-1950 8 700
SD6 Cayapa 1820-1960 4 747
SD9 Jivaro 1870-1960 34 1,426
SD13 Ecuadorian Highland Quechua 1935-1975 32 5,240
SE13 Inca 1500-1580 13 2,646
SF5 Aymara 1860-1965 14 1,772
SF10 Chiriguano 1900-1930 7 1,570
SF21 Siriono 1925-1940 5 692
SF24 Uru 1930-1955 9 434
SG4 Araucanians 1550-1955 12 1,397
SH4 Ona 1850-1940 4 2,198
SH5 Tehuelche 1820-1920 6 611
SH6 Yahgan 1850-1930 3 1,700
SI4 Abipon 1800-1820 2 452
SI7 Mataco 1890-1950 8 595
SI12 Toba 1830-1970 29 2,184
SK6 Choroti 1900-1910 2 523
SK7 Guana 1880-1955 6 407
SM3 Caingang (Aweikoma) 1900-1935 4 308
SM4 Guarani 1940-1960 6 484
SO8 Timbira 1900-1930 2 379
SO9 Tupinamba 1500-1675 26 1,637
SO11 Bahia Brazilians 1940-1960 5 1,333
SP7 Bacairi 1880-1940 6 1,085
SP8 Bororo 1900-1970 9 1,041
SP9 Caraja 1880-1950 9 687
SP17 Nambicuara 1900-1950 8 436
SP22 Tapirape 1930-1953 13 369
SP23 Trumai 1930-1950 1 120
SQ13 Mundurucu 1850-1955 14 649
SQ18 Yanoama 1950-1965 11 1,096
SQ19 Tucano 1950-1960 7 1,310
SQ20 Tucuna 1870-1935 5 259
SR8 Bush Negroes 1800-1955 6 1,411
SR9 Carib 1930-1970 2 532
SS16 Pemon 1935-1955 4 602
SS18 Warao 1850-1970 32 3,236
SS19 Yaruro 1930-1955 7 284
ST13 Callinago 1635-1950 13 524
SU1 Puerto Ricans-Island 1875-1990 19 4,191
SV3 Haiti 1930-1950 3 1,052
SY1 Jamaica 1920-1970 19 4,504
