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Databases for Social Work Research

This guide is dedicated to using databases at Boston University to conduct specialized research in the field of social work.

BU Library Search

You can use the BU Libraries Search box to look for print and electronic resources available through the Boston University Libraries. These resources include print books and journals available in the library stacks, as well as e-books and full-text journal articles.

Want support getting started with your search? Check out our searching the library tutorial page.

Searching Databases

You can search across databases on the BU Libraries website. 

Select the database(s) you would like to search by selecting the Searching: Database Name demonstrated below. The EBSCO databases, including PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection can be searched at the same time by clicking Choose Databases next to the title of a database and then choosing the additional databases you wish to search. Our example lists the database APAPsycInfo:

 Example of switching databases

We then want to select our search terms and be as specific as possible. Our keywords here are "family therapy" and "substance use." When we first type our search words, "all fields" will be listed from the drop-down menu:


 Example of search fields

To limit our search, we want to change "all fields" and select "Subjects - SU" from the drop-down menu. (Alternatively, you can select a different field you want to search by). The arrows point to where we have changed "all fields" to "Subjects-SU." 

Search example with changed fields

Now, you can search! Once we press search, our text will look different to reflect how the computer reads our search terms. You can then select "All Filters" in the left-hand corner below our search box. When you click, you can then select to limit your results by if they are peer-reviewed, the date of publication, and more filters. 

Example of filtered search

When searching the databases be as specific as possible with your keywords.  For example, if doing a search for "family therapy" you may also want to try a search for "family counseling." A useful social work keyword terms and synonyms page is available here
