When searching for scales, tests, and measures be sure to remember that the names for these surveys is often are very direct and clear, for example:
Open access tests are a great place to start for papers and assignments. Obtaining other types of tests, surveys, and instruments otherwise involves sometimes reaching out to the creator for their consent.
Social-Personality Psychology Questionnaire Instrument Compendium: Online compendium of free, public-domain psychometric instruments from Texas Tech.
Psychological Tests for Student Use: 20+ tests on various aspects: loneliness, self-esteem, trust, etc.
UPenn Positive Psychology Questionnaires: About 20 complete questionnaires on positive psychology aspects: hope, gratitude, mindful attention, etc.
Social-Personality Psychology Questionnaire Instrument Compendium (QIC): Items on this site should either have the full instrument, or indicate the instrument was put on the web by the person who created the instrument.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI) Screening and Assessment Instruments Database: ADAI Library is located at the University of Washington and collects research and scientific literature on alcohol and other drug use from all relevant disciplines. Descriptive and psychometric information is provided, and some instruments are in the public domain and can be freely downloaded from the web. A list of all the instruments can also be browsed.
ERIC (open access): A open-access database including tests and measures. After typing your keywords and pressing search, you can limit in the column on the left. Go to Publication Type > Tests/Questionnaires.
Self Report Measures from the Addiction Research Center at the University of Wisconsin Madison, WI: Includes over 110 full-text measures of Affect, Personality, and Externalizing measure as well as measures for Alcohol, Marijuana, and more.
UCLA Center for HIV Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services: Surveys/Scales: 208 full text measures across a wide range of subjects/topics, e.g., perceived susceptibility, parenting, attachment, self-efficacy, violence, trauma, and more.
Core Resources
Mental Measurements Yearbook: This resource contains reviews, descriptions, and surveys of text published in the English language.
APA PsycInfo: APA's key resource with more than 5 million bibliographic records in the behavioral and social sciences. To find sources about tests: enter relevant keywords in the search boxes and limit to the field “Tests and Measures”.
APA PsycTests: A one-of-a-kind database of psychological tests and measures designed for use with social and behavioral science research. [Note: Since not all tests in the PsycTESTS database include the full text, you can limit your results in the column on the left by selecting Refine Results > Full Text.]
Directory of unpublished experimental mental measures: A more historic guide to experimental tools and measures for mental measurement.
ETS Test Link: A fully-searchable index of more than 25,000 tests.
Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences: Tests available in compilation volumes: A searchable index of over 15,000 full-text tests, scales, and measures included in over 125 books and other collections.
Other Resources
BRFSS Questionnaires: Developed by CDC & Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) questionnaire designed to collect uniform, state-specific data on preventive health practices and risk behaviors
RAND: These surveys are designed for a wide range of purposes, including assessing patients' health, screening for mental health conditions, and measuring quality of care and quality of life.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): Survey questionnaires collect additional information about students’ demographics and K-12 education experiences.
Positive Psychology Research Center: Developed by UPenn - Questionnaires to understand and build the emotions, and the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.
National Survey of Children’s Health Questionnaires, Datasets, and Supporting Documents: Questionnaire used to examine the physical and emotional health of children ages 0-17 years of age.
(CHIPTS) Resource Library: Innovative interventions to optimize care and treatment of diverse community health issues; including, drug and alcohol use.
Test critiques: A journal dedicated to evaluating existing tests and measures.
Statements on Ethics and Data Related to Tests and Measures