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Finding works on African ethnic groups in the Catalog
Start with the name of the ethnic group, for example, Zulu. Most works will be grouped under the subject heading Zulu (African People), but doing the more general search may yield many interesting works.
If you can't find any entries under the form of name you have, check reference books to determine other possible terms used to indicate this group.
The subject headings for any books you find can help to expand your search. If you know what nation or nations they inhabit, try the country name and ethnology.
Browsing for works about African ethnic groups on the shelves.
A great many of the works on African peoples will be found in the classification range of GN, particularly in GN 643 - GN 661, and GN 861 - GN 865. Browsing these shelves can be helpful, but books may also be found in the DT section, and in many other call number sections. The best way of finding books is searching the catalog.
BU Library Search has a great feature called "Virtual Browse" that allows you to see other books shelved next to the one you selected.
There are several ways you can obtain books or articles that we do not own. These include:
WorldCat Discovery. WorldCat Discovery allows current BU faculty, staff, and students to borrow books directly from other Boston Library Consortium libraries. Turnaround time is approximately three working days. (How to use WorldCat Discovery)
Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary Loan services allow current BU faculty, staff, and students to request books, articles, book chapters, and other materials that our ILL staff will obtain from other libraries. Books generally take 2-4 weeks to arrive; articles are generally delivered electronically within 1-2 days.
ILL online request forms for all patrons except those affiliated with the Schools of Law and Medicine
Law Library's interlibrary loan page for Law School affiliates
Alumni Medical Library’s ILL form for Medical School affilliates
For general inquires to the Interlibrary Loan office, please call (617) 353-3706 or email