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JO543: Rescuing Lost Stories

Archival Material Online via WorldCat

WorldCat is a catalogue of materials found in libraries all over the world. You can search for a subject or person and then restrict your search to online archival material. Here is how:

  1. Enter your search terms in the search box and click "Search everything"
  2. In the Format box on the left, click on "Show more" then check off "Downloadable archival material."
    WorldCat search

This can be a little spotty. WorldCat sometimes uses the term "archival" pretty loosely, but browse a bit and you may find some interesting and useful material with links below the description. For example, here's an excerpt about Cab Calloway from an interview with Mona Hinton, wife of the bassist Milt Hinton, from an archive at Hamilton College.

Mona Hinton interview
