by Juan-Tomás Avila Laurel
Available online
By Night the Mountain Burns recounts the narrator's childhood on a remote island off the West African coast, living with his mysterious grandfather, several mothers and no fathers.
Fang - Folk Literature
Set during the last years of Spanish rule in Equatorial Guinea, Shadows of Your Black Memory presents the voice of a young African man reflecting on his childhood.
By Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel
On Mount Gurugu, overlooking the Spanish enclave of Melilla on the North African coast, desperate migrants gather before attempting to scale the city's walls and gain asylum on European soil.
Includes short story: Recaredo Silebo Boturu -- Mama's future
Mugar Library PL8011 .A47 2014
La Pesadilla de Obi is a satirical graphic novel about Teodoro 'Obi' Obiang, Equatorial Guinea’s president.
Freely Available Online
by Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel
Mugar Stacks PQ8619.A85 R36 1994
by: Juan Balboa Boneke
Series: : Colección Poesía (Malabo, Bioko Norte, Equatorial Guinea); 3.