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Business Tutorial: Mintel

Steps for Downloading

1. Click Consumer Data in your report's table of contents.


"Consumer Data" option encircled in purple.


2. This will bring you to Mintel's Interactive Databooks. Use the drop-down menu at the top of the screen to navigate to the data you want.


Drop-down menu at the top of the Interactive Databooks page.3. Per your preference, you can set the data as a table or bar graph.

Data displayed as a table.Data displayed as a graph.4. Click Explore Demographics for more detailed data.

"Explore Demographics" encircled in purple.

5. Select the demographics you want to include in your analysis. For this example, we will select Age, Education, and Gender. Then click the arrow symbol to see the results.

Relevant descriptors selected from a list of demographic options.

6. Click Download Table.

"Download Table" option encircled in purple.7. Here is an example of the data downloaded into Excel.

Excel spreadsheet displaying the data.

Assistant Head, Information Services

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Kathleen Berger
Room 318E
Pardee Library